However, there are also facts which make firms hard to go: political factors and economic factors. Economists believe that international trade is a tool that can ends poverty and at the same time still providing benefit of production cost reduction to the developed nations and come out a win-...
EconomicEnvironmentforInternationalBusiness Learningobjectives Havingreadthischapteryoushouldbeableto:BeawareoftheeffectofworldeconomiccrisisoninternationalbusinessIdentifythetrendsinworldtradeExplorethemeasurementofinternationaltradelearnthestrategiesforsuccessfullydevelopinganoverseasmarket Warm-up:The...
Macroeconomics includes the study of economy-wide factors such as the effect of rising prices or inflation on the economy. It seeks to track and understand the financial indicators that clarify an economy's success or failure over time, such as gross domestic product (GDP), changes inunemployment...
It also helps companies and investors with when to invest, where to invest, and when to take money out from a particular company or sector, as changes in economic factors will affect the return on investment. There are various examples of economic factors that affect business and economic devel...
Their CEOs completed questionnaires examining TOA, personal traits, emotions and attitudes in the workplace. Principal components analysis and ordinary least-squares regressions were used to explore the hypotheses of the paper.Findings - Three factors characterize CEOs' emotions, namely pleasure, dominance...
Zhu Min, vice chairman of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges, believes the around 5-percent growth target is prudent and sustainable, against the backdrop of rising uncertainty in the global economy. Zhu cited factors such as the stabilization of the property market, the consumpt...
This article aims at identifying the factors influencing the implementation of Web accessibility (WA) by European banks and its effects on the visibility through the Internet. We studied a database made up of 51 European banks whose shares are included in the Dow Jones EURO STOXX TMI Banks [83...
19. Dalian Longxing food company to be situated in the Dalian artillery economic development zone. 大连隆兴食品公司坐落在大连炮台经济开发区内。 20. economic在线翻译 20. As SACMI`s business expands in China and neighbouring regions, the original production capacity can no longer meet the demand of...
To go green means constructing buildings that can save, store and even produce clean energy. Developers can tap an entirely new industrial chain based on sustainable technology, renewable energy, new materials, innovative design and other factors. In fact, the development of green cities and sustain...
Profitability of banks is impacted by both internal and external factors. Profitability eventually drives stock price performance. Accordingly this paper attempts to study the determinants of profitability of a leading public sector bank in India and the relationship between the bank's profitability and ...