FactorsAffectingHousingMarketFinancing - Most consumers have to borrow from a lender in order to afford the purchase of a home. When banks get stricter on loan approvals‚ fewer houses get purchased. If loans are being approved rapidly and more people can afford to by the homes‚ the home...
. The cosmetics industry too is using the flavonoids isolated from liquorice on a large scale. Therefore, liquorice has been used as a pharmaceutical agent, in cosmetics, as a sweetener, food additive, flavor additive for tobacco, and in confectionery food (Fig.8.1). Fig. 8.1 NoteIn this fi...
Temporal trends of the main factors influencing CO2 emissions intensity. (a) Shar of fossil energy; (b) share of non-fossil energy; (c) scale and share of high-energy industry; (d) share of service industry; (e) technological level; (f) traditional resident consumption; (g) emerging resi...
Total expenditure on originator medicines in Ireland rose from €120 million in 2004 to more than €220 million in 2008[99]. In 1997, the average cost per dispensed item under the GMS scheme was €11.20 as compared with €23.27 in 2007. Factors contributing to the increase in drug expenditu...
Researchers have explored the attitudes and beliefs of stakeholders in the medicines process (that is: prescribers, dispensing pharmacists and patients/end users) demonstrating a spectrum of perceptions and opinion which are influenced by factors such as geography, age and demographics[54–56]. This ...
Processing of medical information in aging patients: cognitive and human factors perspectives. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Publishers; 1999. p. 31–54. Google Scholar Yoon C. Age differences in consumers’ processing strategies: an investigation of moderating influences. J Consum Res. ...
bothindevelopingcountriesand indevelopedones. Contrarytothetheorythatfinancialcrisesareonlydueto macroeconomicfactors,thispaperstressestheroleofbankmanagementasa majorelementinallbankingcrises,asapotentialoriginatororasamultiplierof lossesandeconomicdistortions.Italsostressesthefactthatgoodbankers,when introuble,oftenbecome...
Researchers have explored the attitudes and beliefs of stakeholders in the medicines process (that is: prescribers, dispensing pharmacists and patients/end users) demonstrating a spectrum of perceptions and opinion which are influenced by factors such as geography, age and ...
The coal mining environment and factors affecting it are listed as presented in Table 1. The first column consists of coal mining environment categories, and the second column contains coal mining impacting factors. As per mining operation, all possible environmental factors are covered in it. In ...
Factors affecting anthocyanin bioavailability include food processing (↑steam-blanching, ↑juice processing—milling, mashing, pressing, pasteurisation, ↓fermentation, ↓microwave cooking, ↓conservation, jam, squeeze), food matrix, hydrolysis by various enzymes in the small intestine and metabolism, and...