occurs whenparentsandchildrenholddifferentvaluesandbeliefs. 典型例句如果父母和孩子拥有不同的价值观和信仰,就会产生代沟。意群提示LanguagefocusFunctionalpatterns此种情形一旦蔓延,终会让银行难以为继,并最终沉重打击发展经济所需的贷款业务。原句译文逆译练习Ifthissituationiswidespread,itcanculminateinthefailureofthoseba...
Step 3: Answer question (b) by discussing whether an economic expansion is likely to follow an increase in stock prices. Stock prices can rise and fall over days or weeks many times before the next turning point in the business cycle occurs. A sustained rise in stock prices and upward ...
often 50% as the dividing point of the economic strength: when the index is higher than 50%, it is interpreted as the signal of economic expansion. When the index is below 50%, especially close to 40%, there is a recession. It is a very important ...
Acorrectionoccurs when growth slows, employment falls, and prices stagnate. As demand decreases, businesses may not immediately adjust production levels, leading to oversaturated markets with surplus supply and a downward movement in prices. If the contraction continues, the recessionary environment may s...
Generally, the problem of endogeneity occurs in the panel dataset as a result of the mutual correlation between endogenous variables and stochastic error terms. Consequently, we used a Durbin–Wu–Hausman test to check the endogeneity bias in our dataset. To deal with endogeneity bias, we employed...
An economic recovery occurs after a recession as the economy adjusts and recovers some of the gains lost during the recession. The economy then eventually transitions to a true expansion when growth accelerates and GDP starts moving toward a new peak. ...
It occurs when people are unemployed atparticular times of the yearwhen demand for labour islowerthan usual 如圣诞节的工作,一年只有圣诞节的时候才会有较大的工人需求 Type 4: cyclical unemployment 周期性失业 Unemployment that results fromeconomic downturns (recessions). As demand for goods and services...
For (f), the lowest correlation is 9.6%; a minor increment occurs between the volume of the day before the speech and the economic words’ presence. The positive rank-rank correlations between the inclusion of economic locutions in the speeches and the S &P 500 index range from a minimum...
When a recession occurs, the stock market will take a quick decease. Next they review the rates of interest to see if they are going up or down. When the interest rates are growing up, it means economy is in its expansion, and the government is trying to maintain stable growth. Another...
It can be shown, however, that the multiplier and accelerator in combination may produce very strong cyclical movements. Thus, when an increase in investment occurs, it raises income by some larger amount, depending on the value of the multiplier. That increase in income may in turn induce a...