Economic development in the Third World: An introduction to problems and policies in a global perspective : Michael P. Todaro, (Longman, London, 1977)animal modelsexposurehealth hazardsinhalationlaboratory animalslung functionoccupational hazardsoccupations...
刘易斯拐点英文原版文献Lewis:Economic-development_with_unlimited_supply_of_labor 热度: Harris, John R., and Michael P. Todaro. 1970. "Migration, Unemployment and Development A Two-Sector Analysis." American Economic Review, 60(1) 126-42. ...
The definition of economic development given by Michael Todaro is an increase in living standards, improvement in self-esteem needs and freedom from oppression as well as a greater choice. 是一个基准概念即。 它申请就道德人的感觉状况 (正确和错误,好和坏)。 迈克尔・给的经济发展的定义Todaro是在...
Economic variables and rural 粵migration: Some thoughts on the Todaro hypothesis Economic variables and rural-urban migration: Some thoughts on the Todaro hypothesis. The Journal of Development Studies, 10(1): 66-78.Godfrey EM (1973). Economic variables and rural-urban migration: Some thoughts on...
Economic development todaro smith 11th edition 2012AddisonWesley
The course of regional development in nations, such as China, that are considered “developing countries” is a major concern in economic research [1]. Several classic economic theories and models, such as Chenery’s models of urbanization and industrial growth [2,3], Harris and Todaro’s theo...
Todaro, M. Internal migration in developing countries: A survey. In Population and Economic Change in Developing Countries; Easterlin, R., Ed.; University of Chicago Press: Chicago, IL, USA, 1980; Volume 1, pp. 361–402. ISBN 0-226-18027-1. [Google Scholar] Sjaastad, L.A. The costs...