Economic Development in Africa. Accessed online on 2nd May 2017 at (2010) Economic development in Africa. Report 2010. South-South cooperation: Africa and the new forms of deve...
SARSouthAsia SCCSouthCaucasus SOEstate-ownedenterprise SSASub-SaharanAfrica TFPtotalfactorproductivity WAEMUWestAfricanEconomicandMonetaryUnion WDIWorldDevelopmentIndicators xix CHAPTER1 GLOBALOUTLOOK GLOBALECONOMICPROSPECTS|JANUARY2024CHAPTER13 Globalgrowthisexpectedtoslowto2.4percentin2024—thethirdconsecutiveyearofdece...
Improved economic growth and environmental protection are necessary to achieve the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. This study examines the relationship between people’s education levels and sustainable lifestyles in protecting the environment and economic growth, as expressed by the increase ...
By contrast, cost concerns rose noticeably in Africa, Asia-Pacific and South Asia. Select image to enlarge (opens in a new tab) Additionally, Q1 2024 responses from the Global Risks Survey section of the GECS report demonstrate how the ripple effects of economic uncertainty have been ...
et al. Impact of digital technologies and financial development on green growth: Role of mineral resources, institutional quality, and human development in South Asia. Resources Policy, 2024, 90: 104699. DOI:10.1016/j.resourpol.2024.104699 33. Xiaoping, C., Yanqiu, W. Cultivating green ...
International production and trade played an essential role in increasing economic growth2,3,4, reducing global income inequality, especially due to above average growth in China and South Asia5, and has been argued to positively affect sustainable development6. Previous studies also argued that ...
This paper draws heavily on the results of case studies in Bolivia, Costa Rica, and Ecuador to explain how sectoral policies have tilted land use decisions against forestry and in favor of agriculture, and to present estimates of the economic development effects of those decisions. The paper summ...
Development, some college, bachelor’s degree, or graduate degree or higher), family income (low income [federal poverty level <200%], middle income [federal poverty level of 200%–400%], and high income [federal poverty level >400%]), census region (Northeast, Midwest, South, or West)...
Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, Brighton, UK Dirk Willenbockel Oxford Martin School & Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK H. Charles J. Godfray Contributions The project was conceived by H.C.J.G., S.R. and D.M.-D’C.; all authors cont...
Economics has become an essential component of secondary school curricula in many countries as a result of the growing awareness that young adults need fundamental economic knowledge to manage their personal finances. Accordingly, an increasing number of comparative studies are being conducted of commonali...