ECONOMIC GROWTH AND HUMAN DEVELOPMENT 经济增长和人类发展 热度: 人口增长对经济发展的影响(The influence of population growth on economic development) 热度: 1 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH Introduction In recent years, there has come into existence a new branch of economics ...
Speaking in Beijing over the weekend, Gabriela Ramos, Chief of Staff of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), explained that the challenges facing the world economy are particularly thorny and beyond her expectations. China has lowered its 2017 growth target to around 6.5...
He pointed out that China's opening up to partnerships with other countries, particularly developing ones, is significant for boosting economic growth in these countries. "China's opening up to developing countries provides the latter with the modern technology and development models they need," he ...
Papers presented at the International Seminar on problems of Economic Development and Structural Change held in Edinburgh in 1968 are set out. Topics include: International Commodity Agreements: Development Planning; Commodity distribution in Malawi; The future of the Ghanaian economy; The development of...
economicdevelopmentwithbroadexplanatory power.Despitethemultitudeofevolutionary pathsandSuccessstoriesinthehistoryofglobal economicdevelopment,suchexperiences onlybecomemeaningfuliftheyareexplained throughageneraltheoryofeconomicgrowth. Conventionaltheoriesofeconomicgrowth cannotfullyexplainthephenomenonofChina miracle. Numerous...
Until the 1970s the growth strategies of developed countries focused on accelerating the rate of capital accumulation and technological adoption. Import substitution, state owned enterprises, control over the financial sector, central planning. However the second half of the 1980s saw a shift in the...
Meanwhile, the Monday meeting also signaled that Beijing will continue to expand high-level opening-up and try to stabilize foreign trade and the inflow of foreign investment. The policymakers also stressed the need to carry out stronger regional strategies to unleash regional development potential, ...
Annual data used in this study was obtained from World Development Indicators for the period 1980 to 2013. Using Granger Causality approach the study reveals that: there is bidirectional flow of causality between economic growth and infrastructure, shocks in economic growth explained the behavior of ...
Business regulations and economic growth: What can be explained? International Strategic Management Review, 2(2), 69-78. Messaouda Zribi El GhakTehenib(2014), Business regulations and economic growth: What can be explained?, International ...
The recognition that the determination of long-term eco-nomic growth was the central macroeconomic problem was fortunately accompanied in the late 1980s by important ad-vances in the theory of economic growth. This period featured the development of models in which purposeful research and application...