This paper explores the ecological and socio-economic contribution of Mt. Elgon forest park, eastern Uganda. An effort was taken to evaluate the importance of Mt. Elgon forest park resources to the local people by using the local plant knowledge to value the forest park resources. An integrated...
Substantial contribution to the conception or design of the work: BKP, AMG, PS Acquisition of data: MS-2, SB, PB Analysis and interpretation of data for the work: IA, MRK, AS, QSZ Drafting the work: HAS, M2, AS Revising it critically for important intellectual content: AAA, QSZ, MS,...
Crude oil exploration is a source of significant revenue in Africa via trade and investment since its discovery in the mid-19th Century. Crude oil has bolstered the continent’s economy and improved the wellbeing of the citizenry. Historically, Africa has suffered from conflicts due to uneven re...
On average, the agriculture sector contributes to 15% of the total GDP (in some countries, the contribution of agriculture sector is >50%) and provides a living for a significant fraction (>50%) of its population [12]. However, the existing subsistence farming system...
Oh, C.-O. The Contribution of Tourism Development to Economic Growth in the Korean Economy. Tour. Manag. 2005, 26, 39–44. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Katircioglu, S.T. Revisiting the Tourism-Led-Growth Hypothesis for Turkey Using the Bounds Test and Johansen Approach for Cointegration. ...
Most of the research used a descriptive method to impact evaluation, which made pinpointing the specific influence or contribution of various programs, initiatives, and policies on people’s welfare impossible. Zizzamia et al. (2019) used the entire five waves of NIDS panel data that are now ...
of fiber and provides beneficial dietary bulk, enhances gastrointestinal function, alleviates constipation, protects against diabetes, and lowers cholesterol. Dissimilar genera and species are used in similar ways. Their utility was discovered by women gathering edible leaves to accompany dry cereal staples...
5.1. Theoretical Contribution The study provides a valuable theoretical contribution by integrating several important economic variables and examining their impact on environmental quality in the BRICS economies. The study advances our understanding of the relationships between foreign direct investment, technolo...
The evaluation for the impact of land use change on habitat quality: A joint contribution of cellular automata scenario simulation and habitat quality assessment model. Research paper. Ecol. Model. 2017, 366, 58–67. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Sharp, R.; Tallis, H.T.; Ricketts, T.; ...
Exploring the contribution of financial development on economic growth in some South Asian countries Sehrawat and Giri [56] found that both the bank-based and market-based indicators of financial development augmented economic growth. Financial development was also identified as a contributing driver of...