However, in 1901, the Russian architect Aleksey Seredin-Sabatin built and relocated the Club to a two-story location in Chemulpo, which had become the hub of trade. Suffering from neglect and the ravages of the Korean War, the club was restored in the late 2000s. Soon after the building...
This is why production is going down. There must be efforts to transform knowledge into technology. He added that for this, programs like Innovation Challenge will be introduced in Kerala. On the second day of the Summit, Dr. MAH Azhari, Dr. Basheer Faizi Venkakode, Dr. S.S. Faisal Ahs...
To qualitatively explore factors that influence the snacking behaviors of adolescents from low SES backgrounds in New York City (NYC). Adolescents (12-18 years) were recruited from a NYC Boys & Girls Club (proxy for low SES) to participate in a semi-structured, qualitative phone interview. ...