The dense land use of New York City is the defining characteristic of travel in New York City. The large number of people who live and work in a relatively small landmass reduces the need to travel and improves the usefulness of walking and public transportation. However, most of these ...
This paper analyzed the land use characteristic change in 1998-2007 and economic profit based on investigation of typical households in Wangdonggou watershed.In the watershed,the most types of land uses are arable land and orchard land,industry avocation and fruit industry are main income sources....
5.Northern Ireland is the smallest of the four nations,but is well-known in the world for ___A.its most famous landmark B.its rich cultural lifeC.its low living standards D.its endless political problems6.Which of the following is NOT characteristic of British government?A.It offers the...
Individual characteristic indicators In a network with interacting members, the status characteristics of nodes are the key to deeply explore the nature of the network and grasp the center of gravity of the network. Degree centrality, betweenness centrality and closeness centrality are used to character...
The new development philosophy posits that HQD entails making innovation the primary driving force, achieving coordination as an inherent characteristic, adopting green practices as the common form, embracing openness as the inevitable path, and ensuring shared development as the fundamental goal. In othe...
The soil characteristic of the study are(l.hadhigher moisture, organic matter,organic carbon, nitrogen content, and low bulk density in reserve area than agropastoral,pastoral, and cultivator area. The socio-economic information showed thatthere was increasing demand on land resources due to ...
of soil carbon reserves,and making plants increasing carbon storage.The theory of Cost benefit analysis shows that emissions should not interfere with policy of economic growth,not reduce farmer income as the prerequisite.The empirical result indicates that the characteristic construction in China,with ...
Looking at the price levels, high inflation was an important characteristic of this economic crisis. The rise in price level was already notable in the second half of 1987. Entering into 1988, the rise in January was 9.5%, and from then on it rose up month by month, with an average of...
This metric is an estimation of the characteristic distance the average individual in the zip code will need to travel to reach the amenity. It ignores population distribution within the zip code, as well as travel restrictions such as buildings and terrain to simplify computation. Despite these ...
To further explore the distribution pattern and evolutionary trend of the tourism economic resilience of each city, this paper employs the natural interval classification method in ArcGIS 10.8 software to classify the resilience level. Meanwhile, this paper also selects four characteristic nodes of 2006...