Agriculture during the Edo Period did not just have several-fold increases in production yields, but there were also major changes in production technology, production organization, in addition to the attitude of peasants to work. These changes had an extremely large impact on the Japanese society ...
The Song Dynasty found itself in an unprecedented burgeoning market economy which led to conceptual changes inside the ruling body itself. 宋代封建商品经济前所未有地高度发展,导致统治阶级的传统观念发生变化。 更多例句>> 6) seconomic products 经济产品补充...
Some minor changes were made to some questions, including instructions for the interviewer to skip and to filter questions, and the wording of some questions to improve the meaning following translation from English versions. Interviews were held in the location agreed by the potential respondents, ...
while Japan was a small island nation. We propose that the difference in their geographical size and heterogeneity led to a much more acute problem of political control in the former than in the latter.Footnote6In pursuing our research, we follow the methodology...
Fundamental changes in economic policy have also been announced. At the Third Plenum of the Chinese Communist Party, the authorities reiterated their commitment to maintaining high rates of growth, while at the same time as proposing measures that will strengthen the role of the market in ...
Edo JapanWe argue that heterogeneity in political centralization explains local governance. Specifically, the career incentives and promotion prospects of local officials influence how they spend local resources which in turn impacts local economic growth. We utilize the unique historical case of Edo ... OPEN SO2 and HCHO over the major cities of Kazakhstan from 2005 to 2016: influence of political, economic and industrial changes Zhuldyz Darynova1, Mehdi Amouei Torkmahalleh1,2*, Talgat Abdrakhmanov1, Serik Sabyrzhan1, Sultan Sa...
However, this evidence for socially patterned risks in bone fragility is not restricted to the contemporary society. Data exist for ancient human skeletal samples deriving from SES stratified cemeteries that also reflect bone changes consistent with lifestyles specific to social standing. Similarly to ...
and the human capital accumulation for the long term. The paper first provides a description of key changes in the Chinese higher education system during this radical expansion. This is followed by an analysis of the relation between higher education expansion and economic development both in terms...
Simultaneously, it may increase the complexity of the municipal waste management system and thus require changes in legal regulations, user involvement, economic expenditure, and other resources [44]. Poland has recently observed a large increase in the costs of municipal waste management, which stems...