The study used samples in 6 Tourism Villages in Bali. The results of the study found that the development of tourism villages had a positive impact on the availability of employment opportunities, improving the image of the village, improving the quality of infrastructure, and increasing the ...
aGovernmental promotion of tourism as a means of economic advancement on Bali dates from 1969, when the first five-year plan provided Rp 当第一个五年计划提供了Rp,旅游业的政府促进作为经济推进手段在巴厘岛建于1969年[translate]
Chapter 18 - Bali and Beyond: Locational Effects on the Economic Impact of Tourism In an effort to replace oil revenues, Indonesia has accorded international tourism high priority in its development plans. International tourist arrivals have expanded and continue to increase rapidly as Indonesia has ...
to tourism. They are designed in this way to maximize the ready availability of local resources and cater to upstream and downstream industries. For instance, the Arun Lhokseumawe SEZ, located in Aceh province, has its primary activities surrounding petrochemicals, oil and gas, and paper...
In some countries, the reserves where these animals live are important sources of tourism revenues and employment. But tackling wildlife trafficking in sub-Saharan Africa is a daunting undertaking, as gov- ernments have few resource to patrol massive tracts of land. Violent con- frontation with ...
Specifically, in the estimation of the tangible costs of haze, the estimation includes (1) adverse impacts of haze on health, (2) loss in tourism, (3) loss in business as an indirect effect from loss of tourist receipts, (4) productivity loss due to restricted activity days and (5) ...
Depending on the scale and frequency of the terrorist events within a country, the economic impact of terrorism on growth, investment, consumption and tourism is a serious threat to the economic development and growth of a country. The broader implications of terrorism also depend on the ability ...
Wiendu NuryantiNuryanti, Wiendu, 2001. "Bali and Beyond: Locational Effects on the Economic Impact of Tourism". In Peggy Teo, T C Chang and K C Ho, eds, Interconnected Worlds: Tourism in Southeast Asia. London: Pergamon, 298-311....
The recovery phase is demonstrated by the revival of tourism in Bali Province, which has increased the number of foreign tourists. One of them comes from digital nomad tourists who increase regional income. Based on analysis using the regional economic resilience model, Bali ...
Interconnected WorldsNuryanti, Wiendu, 2001. "Bali and Beyond: Locational Effects on the Economic Impact of Tourism". In Peggy Teo, T C Chang and K C Ho, eds, Interconnected Worlds: Tourism in Southeast Asia. London: Pergamon, 298-311....