Integration of the national economy with global economy is the natural outcome and the end result of economic development processes in any nation. In the politidoi:10.13140/RG.2.2.27304.98562Rafiqul Islam MollaMd. Mahmudul AlamMd. Wahid Murad...
1 China's economic achievements since 1978 are historically extraordinary. However, the dynamics that occurred in China pose a challenge to the existing literature because China's experience cannot be explained by standard growth theories. Neoclassical growth theory highlights the importance of savings ...
When we reflect on the achievements of the medieval period, does it not undermine the theory of human history as a constantly upward progressive movement? There are a group of Anglican theologians who think the high Middle Ages represent the peak of human civilisation. These radical orthodox theol...
[58] CO2 emission, renewable energy Quantitative An interesting finding concerning India's environmental achievements was revealed by this research: the first step on an inverted U-shapped EKC for CO2 emission of USD 2937.77 as a watershed or a move for the national level to juncture into the ...
According to the UNDP's Human Development Index, Pakistan is positioned at161st out of 191 countries, indicating low achievements in crucial areas such as health, knowledge, and living standards. This places Pakistan among the 31 countries globally with the lowest human development levels. The pove...
It does not make sense anymore because scientific achievements of the last few centuries provide sufficient resources for all. Now, we are at the beginning of the big adjustment, after which all humans will be included in one big group, and no individual will need to fight others for ...
Regardless of the criticism of President Musharraf's politics or personality, there is general agreement among independent economists that, through hisstructural reforms and economic management, President Musharraf left Pakistan's economy in much better shape than he found it when he seized power in 19...
sectors. They also claim that, if Mr. Aziz had done a good job, the economy would have continued to perform well in spite of all the changes that have transpired since he quit. Some go to the extent of claiming that there was no real economic boom and the whole boom story was a ...
In recent years, agroecology has gained prominence as one of the innovative approaches to agriculture that could positively contribute to achieving sustainable food systems. As a transdisciplinary science, agroecology could benefit from the contribution
Indeed, many empirical studies suggest that parents’ and students’ views of education are of crucial importance for their educational investments and achievements (e.g., Hoover-Dempsey and Sandler 1997; Croll et al. 2008). The success of educational initiatives by governments also depends on a ...