💡 关键时刻及时找捷径: 像学长提到的那位同学,在midterm1没考好,他为自己预留的时间比较长,找辅导复习时间也比较充分,在midterm2也得到了个满意的成绩。学长非常不建议大家临时抱佛脚,如果final还没考过面临补考,那就是对学业的警告。看到这篇笔记的留学生们,从现在就立刻准备吧!📚 考前辅导都讲什么? 对课程...
Econ 101 Micro formula for elasticity of supply 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 % change in quantity supplied/ % change in price 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 建立者 tjones2381老師 10個月前建立 midterm 學生們也學習了 學習指南 Mindtap cards 55個詞語
(ISU) Chapter 0: Introduction Fall 2010 7 / 1 Course LogisticsGrading PolicyGrade Composition- Two Midterm Exams: 20% each - One Final Exam (cumulative): 30% - Online Aplia Homework: 15% - In-class Clicker Questions: 15%Extra Credit is available Class participation and attendance can affect...
期中考试更是把之前midterm example的一道20分的大题直接拿来用。。。我从来没见过这么懒惰可爱的老师呢😂作为一门econ的必修课,他这样真的是在为我们谋福利啊!这门课因为是必修,也没有什么适合不适合你,反正你都得修。那么给点小意见:一定要和你的TA搞好关系,因为Kong这个人奇懒,所以很多东西都是他TA在做,...
There is a 10-point penalty oneach midterm for students not registered for a discussion section, and a 20-point penalty on the final.The T.A. for your discussion section grades your tests and keeps your point totals. The discussion section iswhere you raise questions about the textbook and...
Section 009,015,Khan:Khan毫无疑问绝对是所有101老师里给分最高,题目最简单,课程最轻松的一个。他平时也就有点简单的I-clicker question, 作业也就三两道题,而midterm则有三次,题目简单,还有作业题目重复出现在考卷里。虽然简单,但是Khan的101绝对可称得上麻雀虽小五脏俱全,课程内容基本没有错过任何重要知识点,作...
econ 101 midterm 2單詞卡 學習 測試 配對 Public Goods 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 Not excludable and non-rival in consumption (lake) 點擊卡片即可翻轉 👆 1 / 28 建立者 Strom_Keehn 分享 教科書解答 學生們也學習了 學習指南 Principles of Economics7th Edition•ISBN:9781285165875N. Gregory Mankiw 1,...
India ( 101) China ( 3) Notice the ratios of deaths to coronavirus cases are 9.5%, 3.6% and 2.4% for Mexico, the United Kingdom and France respectively. ltrDecember 5, 2020 at 4:16 am https://news.cgtn.com/news/2020-12-05/Chinese-mainland-reports-17-new-COVID-19-cases-VXV0Y0NU...
EEP101/ECON125 EconomicsofResourcesand theEnvironment EEP101/ECON125 EconomicsofResourcesand theEnvironment ProfessorDavidZilberman DepartmentofAgriculturaland ResourceEconomicsUniversityof California,Berkeley Lecture1:IntroductionLecture1:Introduction •GuestLecturer:ProfessorDavidRoland-Holst •TheProfessor •GSIs...
Maria_Savina101預覽 Chapter 3 Modern Principles of Economics 22個詞語 abby_lee_flips預覽 Economics I Test 1 Material 37個詞語 quizlette44142180預覽 econ midterm 2 26個詞語 kathryn_kim_預覽 Functions and Types of Money in Banking 23個詞語 earth2jayy預覽 Macro-econ exam 2 21個詞語 srmorris411...