“soil quality” was coined in this context, but more recently the term “soil health” has become common (Chapters 14 and 251425). Soil quality is the ability of a soil to function within its surroundings, support plant and animal productivity, and maintain or enhance water and air quality...
The term was introduced to the world by the book Cybernetics or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine, published in 1948. We owe the basic concept, and the word itself, to the inventive mind of the late Norbert Wiener. We give credit for this basic concept and the word...
Stage-specific susceptibility was included by multiplying the transmission term by the Gosner stage-specific odds of becoming infected, which was estimated in an LD50 study in Warne et al. (2011) Full size image3.4 Temperature and Susceptibility...
Genetic monitoring of populations currently attracts interest in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity but needs long-term planning and investments. However, genetic diversity has been largely neglected in biodiversity monitoring, and whe
Overall, our results were robust to the different temperature variables used: long-term annual mean (Mean_Temp) and maximum temperature (Max_Temp) from the databases WorldClim and Bio-ORACLE, and average air and sea surface temperature in the first year sampled from the HadCRUT4 database (...
Forest soils are the foundation of the entire forest ecosystem and complex, long-term interactions between trees, soil animals, and the microbial community shape soils in was that are very distinct from agricultural soils. The composition, structure, and processes in forest soils at any given time...
it’s a pseudanthium – a false flower. This is because what might appear as a single flower is actually a collection of tens, hundreds, or even thousands of tiny flowers. This aggregation of flowers into a single compact unit is the reason the family was once given the name Compositae,...
AnAuthor Correctionto this article was published on 24 May 2021 This article has beenupdated Abstract Monitoring global biodiversity from space through remotely sensing geospatial patterns has high potential to add to our knowledge acquired by field observation. Although a framework of essential biodiversi...
Historical effective population size (Ne) was estimated by using the PSMC method. The synonymous mutation rate per base per year in N. pompilius was inferred based on the formula T = ks/(2λ), with a generation time of 15 years. The synonymous mutation rate of N. pompilius was ...
Any assessment and valuation intended to provide a sustainable policy for the medium and long term cannot ignore the ecological system side of the cascade. The existence of the social system is guaranteed by the proper functioning of the ecological system. The value of the ecological system is in...