The term "ecology," derived from two Greek words, oikos (house) and logos (study), was first coined by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel in 1866 (Odum and Barrett 2004 ). The literal meaning of ecology is the study of house or the planet that includes every living organism and its ...
Unit1: Introduction to Ecology University: University of Phoenix Course: BIO 315 | Ecology and Evolution Academic year: 2023 Views: 95 Pages: 17 Author: kvoterefgk Introduction to Ecology Introduction and Concept: The term "ecology," coined by the German biologist, Ernst Haeckel, comes from th...
Deep ecology, a term coined by noted Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess, is a worldwide grassroots environmental movement that seeks to redress the shallow and piecemeal approache of technology-based ecology. Its followers share a profund respect for the earth's interrelated natural systems and a ...
作者: G Nyaupane 摘要: The term "ecology," derived from two Greek words, oikos (house) and logos (study), was first coined by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel in 1866 (Odum and Barrett 2004). The literal meaning of... DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-01384-8_62 年份: 2016 收藏...
The term ecology was first coined by Ernst Haeckel in 1866. Ecology focuses on life processes and adaptations, energy in living communities, the eventual growth and development of entire ecosystems, and how biodiversity manifests itself in an environment. The human element cannot be removed from...
"Transpersonal ecology" is the term coined by W. Fox (see record 1991-00015-001) to refer to a wedding of ideas from transpersonal psychology and ecological philosophy. The central idea in Fox's synthesis is an emphasis on an "as expansi... H Stavely,N Hampshire - 生理人類学研究会会誌...
The term “ecology” was coined by the German zoologist, Ernst Haeckel, in 1866 to describe the “economies” of living forms. What are the two main branches of ecology? Ecology is mainly divided into two branches, they are autecology and synecology. What is an ecotone give one example?
Such examinations, conducted by important natural historians including James Hutton and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, contributed to the development of ecology.[206] The term "ecology" (German: Oekologie) is a more recent scientific development and was first coined by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel in ...
Another important input tourban ecologyhas been the discipline oflandscape ecology. The term itself was coined by German biogeographer Carl Troll in 1939, integrating European viewpoints on regionalgeographyand vegetation science (Turner and Gardner, 1991). In North America,landscape ecologyhas gravitated...
Which term was coined by Frederic Clements to describe a community that converges on a predictable and permanent group of species? Climax community Clements considered plant communities to be like a(n) ___ and saw individual species playing the roles of different organs or structures within an or...