Estos proyectos aplicados son integrados formalmente en el proceso de aprendizaje a través de una currícula, que sirve para enseñar y reforzar las habilidades transversales y permite a los estudiantes implicarse y trabajar para resolver problemas reales. En general, la respuesta de los ...
in the spider miteTetranychus phaselusEhara: revealing new forces driving the spread ofWolbachia.PLoS. One. 31. 95
Phase contrast Type of light microscopy that has an annular ring in objective lens accentuates membranes, which alter phase of light Dark Field Type of light microscopy that illuminates from side and light reflects up Fluorescence Light Microscopy light of 1 wavelength absorbed, light at longer wave...
10). Their life cycle includes a vegetative phase with multinucleate plasmodia that divide into oligo- and uninucleate cells, and a generative phase, in which the vegetative plasmodia transform into sporogenic plasmodia that form uninucleate spores. Mature spores with a thick chitinous wall are ...
This work was conducted under the following permits: at Eleuthera under permit numbers MAMR/FIS/17 and MAMR/FIS/9 issued by the Department of Marine Resources; at Bonaire under permit number 558/2015‐2015007762 issued by Openbaar Lichaam Bonaire; at Belize under permit number 0004-18 issued ...
The end of flowering signifies the conclusion of this reproductive phase and a shift to seed production and seed setting. In essence, the timing of flowering events, from onset to end of flowering and flowering duration is closely related to plant reproductive success, community dynamics, and ...
Predation occurred in three phases: the hunting phase (from provision of prey to the stink bug raising its mouthparts in preparation for attack), the attack phase (from puncturing of the prey up to its death), and the consumption phase (from prey death to the completion of feeding). Prey ...
(a) Phase plane showing the limit cycles exhibited by the populations of prey and predator species for different values of the envi- ronmental pressure parameter e. Note that the amplitude of the oscillations increases as e decreases, i.e. when environmental effects are less favorable. This ...
recent statistical advances permit the estimation of such multilevel models93,94, opening an avenue for large-scale dynamical modelling studies that harness information from multiple natural experiments in different climates. More broadly, this vignette underscores the critical importance of considering the...
Here, the warmer climate has permitted and will continue to permit I. ricinus [38, 61, 105] and I. persulcatus [110, 111] to extend their North-European population ranges further to the north. This is likely to increase the incidence of human infections associated with these tick species....