The term ecology was devised by Ernst Haeckel from the Greekoekologiemeaning ‘the study of the household of nature’ in 1866. Hence,microbial ecologyconcerns the interactions of microbes with both their abiotic and biotic environments.Microorganismsare ubiquitous – they grow not only in soil, fresh...
meaning fundamental rights of india union territories of india capitals of seven sisters of india most populated states in india biology microbiology ecology zoology photosynthesis formulas maths formulas algebra formulas trigonometry formulas geometry formulas cbse sample papers cbse sample papers for class ...
We focus on ‘nature’s contributions’ to key benefits of interest (for example, security in food, water, hazards, materials and culture), meaning we partition out the role of natural and semi-natural ecosystems in producing those benefits. For food security, we include the contributions of ...
Instead, field observations determine that local limestone was eroded and deposited as clasts within Unit 4 at the same time as the silty sand, meaning the age reversal cannot be explained by uncorrected changing carbonate contents through time impacting on the OSL dose rate. The modern land ...
2), meaning that Rrs potentially has lower noise. In a model of complex global ocean ecosystems, climate-change-driven trends in Rrs have been shown to indicate changes in phytoplankton community structure and become distinguishable from natural variability more rapidly than trends in Chl (ref. 2...
We stress that many of these have significant cultural roots, meaning some of the barriers are interwoven with how the scientific community defines success, how we (do or do not) value collaboration, and whether and how we give credit to participants in collaborative or network projects (for ...
Identifying box elder in the winter can be pretty easy, especially if you come across a seed-bearing individual. Box elders are dioecious, meaning male and female flowers occur on separate individuals (another thing that sets them apart from other maples). A samara-bearing tree is a female ...
Classification systems are usually based on a theoretical framework whose principles and concepts are reflected in the meaning and structure of the items presented. It is thus important to explore the main classification systems, in order to highlight the embedded notions they state. For example, ...
Shared genetic polymorphisms between populations and species can be ascribed to ancestral variation or to more recent gene flow. Here, we mapped shared polymorphisms in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and its sister species Saccharomyces paradoxus, which diverg
The observation and contemplation of these distributions is supported by a rich literature 1/a in conventional ecology in which some research, but not all, has imbued such distributions with some ecological meaning. However, microbial Log2 (Nmin) Log2 (N0) Log2 (Nmax) ecologists have an ...