and the basis of these records (A3) was described clearly in only 48% of papers. A relatively high number of papers (67%) reported the spatial extent (A4) of the occurrence data, but the temporal
WebLogo: a sequence logo generator. Genome Res. 2004;14:1188–90. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Najafabadi HS, Mnaimneh S, Schmitges FW, Garton M, Lam KN, Yang A, Albu M, Weirauch MT, Radovani E, Kim PM, et al. C2H2 zinc finger proteins greatly expand the ...
The process of duplicate gene loss after the teleost, salmonid and goldfish WGDs affected the whole genome in a homogenous fashion. Unexpectedly, the sterlet genome analysis uncovered a phenomenon that creates a segmental rather than a continuous partial tetraploidy. In the sterlet, most chromosomes...
although a significant interaction for vertebrae suggests that variation in this character is also somewhat dependent upon the sex of the individual. There are no distinct patterns in the differences for number of folds, folds with
GradientLand software: a landscape change gradient generator. Ecol Inform. Elsevier B.V.; 2015;25:57–62. Available from: Schloss CA, Nuñez TA, Lawler JJ. Dispersal will limit ability of mammals to track climate change in ...
Phyml v2.4.4 [45] was used with the online web server [46] for maximum likelihood analysis using the GTR+I+G substitution DNA model selected with ModelTest [47] and JTT substitution model selected with ModelGenerator for the protein analyses [48]. The robustness of the trees were assessed...
Additionally, AT-17 soil samples for X-ray diffraction (XRD) were crushed using a Planetary Micro Mill (PULVERISETTE 6, FRITSCH) and sieved through a 355-μm sieve. The mineralogy of these crushed and sieved samples was analyzed on a Philips X-Ray Diffractometer (PW1830 generator, PW1050/80...
Life history theory predicts that during the lifespan of an organism, resources are allocated to either growth, somatic maintenance or reproduction. Resource allocation trade-offs determine the evolution and ecology of different life history strategies a
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The Geographic Distance Matrix Generator., Download references Acknowledgements We are indebted to the native people of Siberia who participated in this study. We thank VI Kirillina, VK Pavlov and AN Nogovitsina for assistance in ...