“Some forests have many species of trees,” he said, “others have few. Many forests are unique from others in terms of their overall species composition…” And all of these different small areas of forest exist within the giant space that is the Amazon Rainforest. ...
Cattle production in the Amazon Rainforest: reasons for the success, challenges for ecological intensification – CORRIGENDUM - Volume 1 Issue 2 - Poccard-Chapuis René, Ferreira Laura, Nahum Benjamin, Carvalho Soraya, Tourrand Jean-Franois
The Amazon is a major biome for helping to stabilize the water and temperature of its region and possibly even the whole planet. But increasingly it is subject to droughts leading to the possibility of a runaway drying into a far less diverse forest and even an emergent savannah. In essence...
Actual evapotranspiration (ET) is a major component of the water balance. While several international flux measurement programs have been executed in the tropical rain forest of the Amazon, those measurements represent the evaporative process at a few se
Colonist household decisionmaking and land-use change in the amazon rainforest: an agent-based simulation. Environ Plan B Plan Des. SAGE Publications; 2004 [cited 2016 Feb 10];31:693–709. Available from: http://epb.sagepub.com/content/31/5/693.abstract. Zimmermann A, Möhring A, Mack ...
Green Land Peru is a travel agency founded by Fredy Dominguez, a native of the Amazon and a graduate in Tourism with a thesis specialized in native communities, with more than two decades of experience in ecotourism. We are passionately dedicated to organizing ecological, authentic and responsible...
Observational experiments (also called “natural experiments”) are those where natural processes have created the experimental treatment conditions. This treatment could be in the form of a disturbance, such as a flood or forest fire, or could be due to an underlying natural gradient (e.g., ...
Biochar is widely recognized for its capacity to capture and store carbon in soil attributed to its stable structure. However, in most field studies examining the effects of biochar application on soil respiration, the impact of rainfall events on the ex
The western Amazon is the origin of cocoa (Clay 2004) and the crop is presently grown in both Central and South America. Cocoa is grown using the traditional form of cocoa production, known as “rustic shade”, or cabruca in Brazil as well as under “planted shade” canopy which is ofte...
Agricultural land-use change in Brazilian Amazonia between 1980 and 1995: evidence from integrated satellite and census data.Remote Sensing of Environment, 87(1): 551–562. Article Google Scholar Célia F, Brondízio E S, 2003. Land reform and land-use changes in the lower Amazon: ...