Density and ecological importance of bacteria on kelp fronds in an upwelling region. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 43, 173-182.Mazure, H. G. F., Field, J. G. (1980).Density and ecological importance of bacteria on kelp fronds in a n upwelling region. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 43...
Using meta-analysis tools, we aimed at providing a quantitative synthesis of the ecological importance of soil bacterivores on ecosystem functions. We also intended to produce an overview of the ecological factors that are expected to drive the magnitude of bacterivore effects on ecosystem functions...
Gut bacteria from the Enterobacteriaceae family are a major cause of opportunistic infections worldwide. Given their prevalence among healthy human gut microbiomes, interspecies interactions may play a role in modulating infection resistance. Here we uncover global ecological patterns linked to Enterobacteria...
Aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic (AAP) bacteria are a functional group of photoheterotrophs that rely upon external sources of organic carbon and supplement their metabolism with energy obtained from light through bacteriochlorophyll-a(BChl-a) type II reaction centers. The capacity to harvest light energy...
Methanobacteria; Methm: Methanomicrobia; PC: Peat Crenarchaeota; SAM-1: South African Gold Mine Euryarchaeota Group; Thpla: Thermoplasmata; Thepro: Thermoprotei; THSC: Terrestrial Hot Spring Crenarchaeota group; TMEG: Terrestrial Miscellaneous Euryarchaeota Group; VAL3: Val Kotinen lake clade III...
This special issue gathers thirteen original studies investigating the influence of soil biodiversity (bacteria, fungi, nematodes, collembolans, earthworms, and plant roots) on soil functions, namely soil C transformation and nutrient cycling, soil structure maintenance, biological pest regulation, water ...
The importance of vertebrate hosts as reservoirs for F. tularensis is poorly known. Humans are not involved in the life cycle and are considered dead-end hosts. Transmission to humans has been reported by direct contact with infected animals, arthropods bites (ticks, tabanids (biting flies), ...
Discover what maintains balance in an ecosystem. Learn the definition of ecological balance and understand its importance. Find examples of...
Its importance for water quality and its increasing predominance as the main primary producer at the expense of submerged macrophytes in shallow lakes follow from increased nutrient loading. Often, macrophytes have completely disappeared, and nutrients are so abundant that it is difficult to conceive ...
The functional importance of bacteria and fungi in terrestrial systems is recognized widely. However, microbial population, community, and functional measurement endpoints change rapidly and across very short spatial scales. Measurement endpoints of microbes tend to be highly responsive to typical fluxes ...