1) ecological capacity per person 人均生态承载力1. The results indicate that there are large differences between the various land use types in ecological footprint per person;the change rate of the ecological footprint per person is much faster than the change rate of the ecological capacity per...
An ecological footprint is the per person area of land required to supply the goods and services that sustain our everyday life and lifestyle. It is defined as the amount of land in six categories (crop, grazing, garden, consumed, forest and energy land) required to provide our ...
美 英 n.生态足迹(测定个人或群体生活所消耗地球资源的指标) 网络生态足印;生态足迹法;生态占用 权威英汉双解 网络释义 Ecological-Footprint 显示所有例句 n. 1. 生态足迹(测定个人或群体生活所消耗地球资源的指标)a measure of the amount of the earth's resources used by a person or a population that ...
生态足迹【英文】Ecological Footprint EcologicalFootprint EcologicalFootprintmeasureshowmuchlandandwaterareaahumanpopulationrequirestoproducetheresourcesitconsumesandtoabsorbitswastesunderprevailingtechnologyThatis,itmeasurestheextenttowhichhumanityisusingnature'sresourcesfasterthantheycanregenerate SoWhereareWeAt?...
An ecological footprint is the per person area of land required to supply the goods and services that sustain our everyday life and lifestyle. It is defined as the amount of land in six categories (crop, grazing, garden, consumed, forest and energy land) required to provide our requirements...
biogeochemical cycles to filter out. For example, the biocapacity of the earth is about 1.7 global hectares of productive land per person. So if an individual utilizes over 1.7 global hectares to sustain their lifestyle, their ecological footprint is greater than the biocapacity available to them...
Footprint Footprint Components of the World's Components of the World's Average per Person Average per Person Some Definitions Some Definitions CO2 is carbon dioxide, the major greenhouse gas CO2 is carbon dioxide, the major greenhouse gas ...
“After the UAE was ranked as having the highest per person Ecological Footprint, the local government launched an ambitious Ecological Footprint Initiative. The UAE is now investing US $15 billion towards developing clean energy.” How many “earths” does it take to support your lifestyle?
footprintcalculator.org/home/en 进行测试。什么是生态足迹?What Is the Ecological Footprint?Humans need food, shelter and heating (in some locations)to survive. Our planet’s ecological resources help fulfill these needs. But how many resources do we 1)consume ? This question can be answered ...
Cleaner transport has helped reduce the ecological footprint of the Île-de-France region over the last decade, but housing and food are two energy intensive sectors where little has changed. Journal de l'Environnement reports.