CHAPTER 1 PRINCIPLES AND CONCEPTS IN Ecological risk assessment in briefJ, JensenM, MesmanJ, BierkensM, Rutgers
However, lower airway infections across a range of chronic respiratory diseases, including in CF, do not follow classical ‘one microbe, one disease’ concepts of infection pathogenesis. Instead, they are comprised of diverse and temporally dynamic lung infection microbiota. Consequently, temporal ...
Once the first two urban LTER projects were established, interest burgeoned in suturing social and biophysical (ecological) approaches together. Indeed, the LTER Network itself sponsored workshops to explore social–ecological integration. Two products stand out: one by Redman et al. (2004; see Fig...
If reefing of obsolete structures becomes an increasingly popular decommissioning option in the future, eco-engineering concepts, such as those already tested for coastal artificial structures49 and for a very limited number of active offshore renewable energy installations50,51,52, could be applied ...
In between these two, on the upper right corner is Pasteur’s quadrant ofuse-inspired basic research, named after French chemist and microbiologist Louis Pasteur (1822–1895) who was known for his discoveries of the scientific principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation and pasteurization (Ullma...
The innovation in this study is the selection of nature reserves in different climate zones of desert ecosystems, enabling us to build ecological compensation standards for nature reserves in different desert climate zones based on the concepts of near-nature ecological restoration, ecological asset ...
Mavrommati, G.; Richardson, C. Experts’ evaluation of concepts of Ecologically Sustainable Development applied to coastal ecosystems.Ocean Coast. Manag.2012,69, 27–34. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Franco, L.; Magalhães, M.R. Assessing the ecological suitability of land-use change. Lessons...
principles of political economy and taxation in 1817 has given birth to the notion of comparative advantages that arise from differences in technologies factor endowments and tastes across countries since then it has become the intellectual foundation of the ideology of free trade while dominant the ...
An ecosystem is able to maintain its overall stability by three major mechanisms: (1) by controlling the rate of energy flow through the system, (2) by controlling the rate of element cycling within the system, and (3) by maintaining a diversity of species and food webs.ELSEVIER...
Chapter 4 Ecological Principles and Concepts - ScienceDirectdoi:10.1016/S0166-1116(08)71141-5ELSEVIERStudies in Environmental Science