The object of the paper is the eco-technological process of producing glass-ceramics from galvanic sludge and aluminium slag. The aim of the paper is to incorporate toxic metals from galvanic sludge and aluminium slag into the glass-ceramic product, in the form of solid solutions....
V. Garcia, N. Diban, E. Bringas, R. Ibanez, I. Ortiz, A. M. Urtiaga, The Use of Emulsion Pertraction Technology as an Eco-innovative Membrane Process for the Galvanic Industry, Procedia Eng. 44 (2012) 187-190.Garcia, V., Diban, N., Bringas, E., Ibanez, R., Ortiz, I., ...
Implementation of an eco-innovative separation process for a cleaner chromium passivation in the galvanic industry. J. Clean. Prod. 59, 274e283.Garcia, V., Steeghs, W., Bouten, M., Ortiz, I., Urtiaga, A., 2013. Implementation of an eco-innovative separation process for a cleaner ...