ecobee 4 Smart Thermostat with 2 Room Sensorsecobee 4 三代无线智能温控器 恒温器 siri语音homekit新款ecobee4智能温控器不仅支持homekit,而且同时内置了amazon alexa语音功能,让温控器变得更智能。内含有2个房间传感器,可以检测温度,提供舒适度。也可以使用传感器来设置房间特定的温度或自动调整房间的温度。(110118)...
Ecobee thermostats were previously compatible with the third-party Await+ air quality sensor, but this integration was discontinued in 2020. Ecobee's SmartThermostat supports Apple's smart home platform HomeKit and alsogained support for "Hey Siri" voice controllast year. The thermostat is regularly...
The major secret is in its sensors. External sensors (small, square Wi-Fi units) read the temperature of a room and relay that information back to the main thermostat so that it can sense the differences in the temperatures of different rooms and adjust the heating system accordingly. The ba...
When people invest in a SmartThermostat, they can also purchase wireless room sensors. These accessories detect occupancy and adjust room temperatures automatically. Each SmartThermostat also comes with one SmartSensor, a lot of added utility for homes where the thermostat is in an awkward position ...