Unboxing the ecobee Smart Thermostat Premium, you will be presented with a straightforward setup, easy to understand instructions, and one of the most premium thermostats currently on the market. Boasting a new zinc body, the ecobee Smart Thermostat Premium screams quality, with time taken to deliv...
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211. Safety Considerations Read and follow manufacturer instructions carefully. Follow all local electrical codes during installation. All wiring must conform to local and national electrical codes. Improper wiring or installation may damage the thermostat ...
Install ecobee Smart Thermostat Enhanced & Smart Thermostat Premium Installing an ecobee smart thermostat takes most Smart Owners thirty to sixty minutes. Watch this video for an overview and use our mobile guide for step-by-step instructions. ...
Ecobee, meanwhile, has reduced its available thermostat models to just two. The standard SmartThermostat and the olderEcobee 3 Lite, which is available for $169. Since the SmartThermostat is simply an upgraded version of the previous model, we suggest sticking with it unless you really need to...