Therefore it’s with disappointment that both supermarkets, in the month of Plastic Free July, decided that it was a super idea to have silly toy giveaways – both aimed to children and the pester power that they have. This is certainly something that I never buy into, but that doesn’t...
instead of gas, runs on a single rechargeable 56-volt lithium-ion battery. This gives them enough power to handle even the toughest jobs, but also keeps them extremely portable and compact.
其实按照如下图所示的LUX研究机构报告,SEEO在锂电池行业并非老大哥。相较苹果传言收购的Infinite Power以及通用汽车投资的Sakti3和SolidEnergy,还有大众汽车投资的Quantumscape和Oxis Energy,SEEO产能只属于中游,而潜力还未明确,有待挖掘。那么为什么博世会主动选择SEEO作为收购对象呢?那么就要来看一下SEEO所使用的固态锂电池...