The dam wall and sluice gates, too, are flawed and still a topic of discussion amongst the locals, civil engineers and interested individuals with knowledge of the dam's controversial existence. But then, this scenic wilderness area, would not exist were it not for this "White Elephant" (...
Sign Up Login Home Screeners Gurus Insiders Market News Tools Discussion Data Pricing Tutorials Support Subscribe 0 Site Overview Book Demo 7-Day Free Trial / RETO ▲1.4% GURUFOCUS.COM STOCK LIST Basic Materials Building Materials ReTo Eco-Solutions Inc (NAS:RETO) ...
Chemical composition and physical properties Hardening properties Discussion of bibliometric view Benefits of RHA in concrete Future outlook Conclusions Data availability References Funding Author information Ethics declarations Additional information Rights and permissions About this article AdvertisementDiscover...
This procedure was repeated for up to 4 consecutive cycles, and the removal efficiency of Cu2+ and Cd2+was calculated after each cycle. Results and discussion Characterization analysis of nanocomposites TEM and SEM analyses A transmission electron microscope (TEM) was utilized to assess the size ...
Discussion The fabrication scale-up of LNF PSf flat sheet membranes with the eco-friendly solvents PolarClean and GVL was demonstrated using SDC on an R2R system. The rheological properties of the dope solution were determined to be within the reported operating limits of fluids conventionally used...
8. Conclusion and discussion Because of the uncertainty of the climate change development foresters have to deal with new situations, which for protection forest management are not so easy to foresee. In fact the only certain changes will be the temperature increase and the modifications of the ...
Sections Figures References Abstract Introduction Material and Methods Results Discussion Conclusions Data Availability References Funding Author information Ethics declarations Additional information Supplementary Information Rights and permissions About this article AdvertisementDiscover...
5. Discussion 5.1. Strengths and limitations of the research First of all, the research scales for the construction of eco-security model mainly consist of global, national and regional. Among them, the scale of region matters most for the study of eco-security model. The predominant categories...
Discussion Two hundred thirty-two insect pest species, 183 parasitoids and 192 predators are known to occur in Bangladesh rice ecosystems49. However, fewer than 20 species are considered significant pests capable of causing yield losses if they infest plants in sufficiently large numbers. Predators an...
The formula used to convert weight loss into wear rate is (Aigbodion and Akadike, 2010):(2)Wear rate=ΔWSwhere ΔW is the weight difference of the sample before and after the test in mg, S is total sliding distance in m. 3. Results and discussion Macrostructural studies of the ...