ECN账户 ECN账户全称为电子通讯网络账户,它为专业投资者或交易量较大的投资者提供了更为灵活和透明的交易环境。ECN账户的最大特点在于其点差并非固定,而是根据市场实时供需关系变动,因此,点差可能在某些时刻会变得非常低,尤其在市场流动性充足的情况下。然而,这也意味着,在市场流动性不足时,点差可能会显著增加。此外,...
netqos showecnstats Function The netqos showecnstats command is used to query ECN statistics. Format netqos showecnstats [devname] Parameters Parameter Description Value devname Name of a physical port on a NIC. - Views Diagnostic view Usage Guidelines None Example Display the ECN pack...
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netqos showecnstats Function The netqos showecnstats command is used to query ECN statistics. Format netqos showecnstats [devname] Parameters Parameter Description Value devname Name of a physical port on a NIC. - Views Diagnostic view Usage Guidelines None Example Display the ECN pack...
netqos showecnstats Function The netqos showecnstats command is used to query the number of ECNs received by a physical network port queue. Format netqos showecnstats [dev] Parameters Parameter Description Value dev Name of a physical port on a NIC. - Views Diagnostic view Usage Guid...
netqos showecnrate Function The netqos showecnrate command is used to query ECN statistics. Format netqos showecnrate [devname] Parameters Parameter Description Value devname Name of a physical port on a NIC. - Views Diagnostic view Usage Guidelines None Example Show the ECN packet ...
The netqos showecnstats command is used to query the number of ECNs received by physical network port queues. Format netqos showecnstats [dev] Parameters Parameter Description Value dev Specifies the name of a physical port on a network adapter. - Views Diagnostic view Usage Guidelines None ...
netqos showecnstats命令用于查询物理网口队列接收ecn数量。 命令格式 netqos showecnstats [dev] 参数说明 参数 参数说明 取值 dev 指定网卡物理端口的端口名。 - 视图 诊断视图 使用指南 无。 使用实例 查询物理网口接收队列ecn数量。 admin:/diagnose>netqos showecnstats eth-s2 DEV RX_ECN TX_CNP...
netqos showecnrate Function The netqos showecnrate command is used to query the receive rate of a physical Ethernet port queue. Format netqos showecnrate [dev] Parameters Parameter Description Value dev Specifies the name of a physical port on a network adapter. - Views Diagnostic view Usage...
ECN EURO CHINA NET LIMITED 歐中網有限公司 was formed on 2001-08-08 in Hong Kong. It has been dissolved and is no longer a legal entity. FORMATION DETAILS Registration Number:0766093 Type:Local Company - Private Status:Dissolved Date of Formation:2001-08-08 ...