The total precipitation (tp), two-metre temperature (t2m) and time series with a resolution of 1.5 by 1.5 degrees were the main variables used, and these two variables were provided as the global ECMWF S2S real-time forecasts, ECMWF S2S reforecasts/hindcasts and observation da...
如果想了解更多关于单精度模式的信息以及ECMWF在这方面的研究情况可以进一步阅读相关文章。 参考链接: 1. 2.
The data that are becoming available are based on a range of high-resolution forecasts (HRES – 9 km horizontal resolution) and ensemble forecasts (ENS – 18 km horizontal resolution). They will be made accessible at a resolution of 0.4 x 0.4 degrees. While many programming languages can be ...
Abstract:BasedonthehourlyproductofCLDAS(CMALandDataAssimilationSystem)in2021,thisstudyis toevaluatethepredictioncapacityoftheglobalhigh-resolutiondeterministicnumericalpredictionproductEC-MWF(EuropeanCenterforMediumWeatherForecasting)forwintermeannear-surface2mtemperatureofcom-plexterrainregionaroundtheHengduanmountainsinsouth...
Skill improvement of the yearly updated reforecasts in ECMWF S2S prediction from 2016 to 2022 Hazardous weather events are often accompanied by subseasonal processes, but the forecast skills of subseasonal prediction are still limited. To assess the... Y Peng,X Liu,XZY Su - 《Atmospheric & Ocean...
-resolution 41-yr reforecast (1980–2020) to provide a robust assessment of wintertime Euro-Atlantic regimes and their modulation by tropospheric and stratospheric teleconnection pathways in the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Subseasonal to Seasonal Prediction project (S2S). ...
克服计算和科学挑战实现3-4 km分辨率的集合预报(Overcoming both computational and scientific challenges to achieve ensemble forecasts at three- to four-kilometre resolution) 从观测中提取最大值以生成对地球系统更准确的分析,确保各组成部分保持一致(Extracting maximum value from observations to produce an accurat...
点击阅读原文可以了解此次更新更详细的内容。如果想了解更多关于单精度模式的信息以及ECMWF在这方面的研究情况可以进一步阅读相关文章。 参考链接: 1. ...
ECMWF-SEAS5 2-m temperature predictions were validated against the CPC Global Daily Temperature data, with a resolution of 0.5° (available at, accessed on 23 April 2022). These data correspond to the daily maximum and minimum 2-m...