ecmwf-opendatais a package to simplify the download of ECMWFopen data. It implements a request-based interface to the dataset using ECMWF's MARS language to select meteorological fields, similar to the existingecmwf-api-clientPython package. A collection ofJupyter Notebooksthat make use of that p...
ecmwf-opendata是一个简化 ECMWF 开放数据下载的软件包。它使用 ECMWF 的MARS 语言实现数据集的基于请求的接口来选择气象字段,类似于现有的 ecmwf-api-client Python 包。详情可查看 pipinstallecmwf.opendata 获取ERA5的预报数据 获取最近预报时 fromecmwf.opendataimportClien...
ecmwf-opendata ecmwf-opendatais a package to simplify the download of ECMWFopen data. It implements a request-based interface to the dataset using ECMWF's MARS language to select meteorological fields, similar to the existingecmwf-api-clientPython package. A collection of Jupyter Notebooks that ma...
下面是一个简单的代码示例,展示如何使用 Python 的ecmwf-api-client来获取数据。 fromecmwfapiimportECMWFDataServer server=ECMWFDataServer()server.retrieve({'class':'ei','dataset':'interim','date':'2023-01-01/to/2023-01-31','expver':'1','grid':'0.75/0.75','stream':'oper','param':'150.128...
docker rest-api container ecmwf data-service geoglows Updated Mar 27, 2024 Python erdc / spt_compute Star 7 Code Issues Pull requests Runs streamflow forecasts using ECMWF predicted runoff and RAPID (Forked from: rapid forecasting...
While many programming languages can be used to access and visualise the data, ECMWF has prepared a set of Jupyter notebooks to help users familiar with Python and Jupyter discover the open dataset. They can also reproduce the plots from our open forecast charts using our open-source software ...
BugReports Depends R(>=3.6)Imports httr,keyring,memoise,getPass,curl,R6,uuid License AGPL-3 ByteCompile true RoxygenNote7.2.1 Suggests rmarkdown,covr,testthat,terra,maps,ncdf4,knitr,rlang,rstudioapi,jsonlite VignetteBuilder knitr NeedsCompilation...
4 - Download ERA5 family data through the CDS API First: Install CDS API on your machine This is Python based. This may require some basic knowledge of Python. However, in most cases common-sense adaptions of example requests obtained from the web interface should be sufficient. ...
(1st January 1979 to 31st August 2019) shall continue to be accessible through the ECMWF Web API. Keeping in mind that ERA-Interim is published with an offset of about three months from the dataset’s reference date, ERA-Interim August 2019 data will be made available towards the end of ...由于数据量太大,目前仅支持硬盘拷贝,暂不支持百度云盘分享(文件数量过多,无法分享;非会员下载过慢失去了二次分发的意义;数据过大会被百度云自动屏蔽,沟通成本高...) ...