3.ERA-Interim,Monthly means of daily means 2m temperature 与 skin temperature 的比较 Skin temperature is defined as the temperature of the surface at radiative equilibrium. It forms the interface between soil, sn...
For the time being and until further notice, ERA-Interim (1st January 1979 to 31st August 2019) shall continue to be accessible through the ECMWF Web API. Keeping in mind that ERA-Interim is published with an offset of about three months from the dataset’s reference date, ERA-Interim Augu...
1 打开欧洲中心网站,选择“ERA-Interim (Jan 1979 - present)”2 需要登陆才能够下载 3 进入下载页面,左侧栏选择”pressure levels“,右侧选择自己需要的等压面层数1000,975,950……4 选择需要的时间段,方法1:直接手动输入年月日,格式如2015-05-31;方法2:直接选择需要的...
链接高空数据: ./link_grib.csh ./DATA/ERA-Interim/ERA-Int_pl_19920501_19920531.grb 编辑namelist.wps: prefix = '3D', 运行ungrib: ./ungrib.exe 链接地面数据: ./link_grib.csh ./DATA/ERA-Interim/ERA-Int_sfc_19920501_19920531.grb 编辑namelist.wps: prefix = 'SFC', 运行ungrib: ./ungrib.e...
1、 ERAinterim简介 ERA-Interim(ECMWF Re-Analysis-Interim),气候再分析数据集,是ECMWF的一系列研究项目,产生了各种数据集(ERA-Interim,ERA-40 ,等等),涵盖了1979年至今(不是完全意义上的至今,一般来说到现在时间的前三个月,毕竟更新数据需要时间),该数据集包含了众多气象要素和地面要素值,比如降水、温度、风速...
under the assistance of a method of analyzing a main component, and by using the ERA40 reanalysis data source, the evaluation is performed, thus the significant wave height of the sea waves of multiple hour-times can be predicted; and the ERA-Interim and ERA40-based method is strong in ma...
The daily precipitation estimates produced by ERA-Interim over France correlate very well with SAFRAN. However, the values are underestimated by 27%. A GPCP-corrected version of ERA-Interim is less biased (13%). The ERA-Interim estimates of ISR correlate very well with SAFRAN and with in ...
ECMWF- - ERA- -m Interim 再分析 资料产品说明文档 表 1 产品说明文档内容 类别 项目 必选(M)/可选(O) 填写说明 一 、产 品基 本信息 1 产品中文名称 M 欧洲中心 ERA-Interim 大气再分析资料 2 产品英文名称或缩写 M ERA-Interim 3 产品简介 M 欧洲中期数值预报中心(ECMWF)基于 2006 年发布的 IFS...
开发者ID:BethanPerkins,项目名称:ERA-Interim-movie,代码行数:36,代码来源 示例2: fetch_era_data ▲点赞 5▼ # 需要导入模块: from ecmwfapi import ECMWFDataServer [as 别名]# 或者: from ecmwfapi.ECMWFDataServer importretrieve[as 别名]deffetch_era_data(variable_dict):""" Download...
参考: 其中ERA5 DAILY提供每天7个ERA5气候再分析参数的汇总值:2m空气温度、2m露点温度、总降水量、平均海平面气压、表面气压、10m的u风分量和10m的v风分量。此外,根据每小时的2米空气温度数据,计算出2m处的每日最低和最高空气温度。每日总...