Posted by: Ravi Kiran , on 5/9/2023, in Category JavaScript Views: 45688 Abstract: JavaScript gets a new version every year and as developers we need to be aware of these features and their usage. This article goes through the features added to ECMAScript 2022 and demonstrates them with ...
err.message);// 第二种,需要连接错误信息constwrapErr=newError('Download raw resource failed');// 自己创建 一个 cause 属性来接收错误上下文wrapErr.cause='错误原因:'+err;throwwrapErr;// 第三种,需要连接错误信息classCustom
classPerson{#firstName='Joseph';#lastName='Stevens';getname(){return`${this.#firstName}${this.#lastName}`;}}constperson=newPerson();console.log(;// 语法错误:私有字段 '#firstName' 必须在一个外层类中声明console.log(person.#firstName);console.log(person.#lastName); 3.await...
function setTimeoutAsync(timeout) { return new Promise((resolve) => { setTimeout(() => { resolve(); }, timeout); }); } //语法错误:await 仅在异步函数中有效 await setTimeoutAsync(3000); 有了ES13,现在我们可以: function setTimeoutAsync(timeout) { return new Promise((resolve) => ...
ECMAScript 2023 or ES14 has been released in the month of June 2023 with some of important features like adding new methods for searching and altering the arrays, supporting symbols as keys for WeakMap API and standardizing the hashbang syntax in JavaScript. Find array from last This release ...
If you like articles like this, you can follow me on Twitter to get notified about the new ones. 🔥 100+ questions with answers 🔥 50+ exercises with solutions 🔥 ECMAScript 2023 🔥 PDF & ePUB Learn more → Table of Contents Dynamic import() Nullish coalescing Optional chaining Big...
⚠️This document has not been updated regularly. See TC39 meeting notes from 2022 (March 29,March 31) and 2023 (March 22) for the most up-to-date information. ECMAScript proposal: Type Annotations This proposal aims to enable developers to add type annotations to their JavaScript code,...
The explicit versioning and opt-in of language features was Mozilla-specific and are in process of being removed. Firefox 4 was the last version which referred to a JavaScript version (1.8.5). With new ECMA standards, JavaScript language features are now often mentioned with their initial ...
New versions of Javascript have lots of features related to properties, such as definig a property to be enumerable/not enumerable, having getters and setters... Object.defineProperty existis to give control over this. From Mozilla Docs: This method allows precise addition to or modification of...
Jon Udell points outthat with the ongoingdebate in programming circles about the pros and cons of static vs dynamic typing and class vs prototype based languages, and with ECMAScript gaining new respect and evolving at a faster pace, perhaps thesestyles will turn out more complementary than we ...