The full name of ES is ECMAScript, which is a standardized scripting language developed by ECMA. The ECMAScript version currently used by JavaScript is ECMA-417 . The latest information about ECMA can be viewed at ECMA news . ECMAScript6 (2015), officially released in 2015, has become the...
setUTCFullYear() 根据世界时设置 Date 对象中的年份(四位数字)。 setUTCHours() 根据世界时设置 Date 对象中的小时 (0 ~ 23)。 setUTCMinutes() 根据世界时设置 Date 对象中的分钟 (0 ~ 59)。 setUTCSeconds() 根据世界时设置 Date 对象中的秒钟 (0 ~ 59)。 setUTCMilliseconds() 根据世界时设置 Date...
在JS中使用var关键词声明变量,变量的类型会根据其所赋值来决定(动态类型)。JS中数据类型分为原始数据类型(5种)和引用数据类型(Object类型)。 1)5种原始数据类型:Undefined、Null、Boolean、Number和String。需要注意的是JS中字符串属于原始数据类型。 2)typeof运算符:查看变量类型,对变量或值调用typeof运算符将返回...
The proposal adds an import(specifier) syntactic form, acting in many ways like a function. It returns a promise for the module namespace object of the requested module, created after fetching, instantiating, and evaluating a module’s dependencies, along with the module itself. The specifier ...
JavaScript是一种可以同时运行在前端与后台的语言,如Node.js 是一个基于 Chrome V8 引擎的 JavaScript 运行环境(类似Java或.NET)。 Node.js 使用了一个事件驱动、非阻塞式 I/O 的模型,使其轻量又高效。 1.1、javascript组成 ECMAScript,描述了该语言的语法和基本对象,如类型、运算、流程控制、面向对象、异常等。
Node.js 使用了一个事件驱动、非阻塞式 I/O 的模型,使其轻量又高效。 1.1、javascript组成ECMAScript,描述了该语言的语法和基本对象,如类型、运算、流程控制、面向对象、异常等。文档对象模型(DOM),描述处理网页内容的方法和接口。浏览器对象模型(BOM),描述与浏览器进行交互的方法和接口。
get fullName() { return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}` } } Setters are written in the same way: class { set age(years) { this. = years } } Modules 17 ES6 Before ES2015, there were at least 3 major modules competing standards, which fragmented the community: AMD RequireJS...
Non-breaking additions to support full Unicode, including new Unicode literal form in strings and new RegExp u mode to handle code points, as well as new APIs to process strings at the 21bit code points level. These additions support building global apps in JavaScript....
Non-breaking additions to support full Unicode, including new Unicode literal form in strings and new RegExp u mode to handle code points, as well as new APIs to process strings at the 21bit code points level. These additions support building global apps in JavaScript....
Non-breaking additions to support full Unicode, including new Unicode literal form in strings and new RegExp u mode to handle code points, as well as new APIs to process strings at the 21bit code points level. These additions support building global apps in ECMAscript. // same as ES5.1 ...