A PSC motor is a commonly used motor that runs at either single or variable speeds, while an EC motor is much more energy-efficient and features an internal smart board offering better motor control. Using EC motors holds three clear advantages over the use of PSC motors. Advantages of EC ...
An automatic torque correction method of an ECM motor used for replacing a PSC motor. The method comprises: Step 1) obtaining, through calculation, torque data corresponding to a high-gear rotation speed group and a low-gear rotation speed group, and storing the torque data in a micro-...
193-ECM-ETR模块193-ECM-ETR模块193-ECM-ETR模块福 建宇创公司简介:福建宇创自动化设备有限公司是国内自动化领域的设备供应商。主要经营欧、美、日等发达国家的DCS系统模块、工业机器人备件、伺服电机驱动器、触摸屏、变频器、传感器、温控器等工控自动化产品。公司