ppt课件-ge-ecmmotortechnologyandtroubleshooting.ppt,GE - ECM Motor Technology and Troubleshooting Presented by The RLCS Engineering Product Field Support Airflow If SPEED is constant, CFM changes with Static Pressure To hold CFM constant, SPEED must chan
(WHEN USING ECM MOTOR SIMULATOR)In an effort to provide a method of troubleshooting a variable speed inducer and/or variable speed blower motor by themselves, the following procedure may save time in the event any of the following status codes are the reason for the service call.S Status ...
Furthermore, if this doesn’t work then and you still have problems check with the manufacturer for an ECM blower motor troubleshooting flow chart or guide. Additionally, some manufacturers have a diagnostic tool that will confirm specific problems. The diagnostic tool can indicate if the motor or...
Use the procedure outlined below several times before relying on the condensed instructions printed on the ECM motor simulator labels.This procedure should be inserted into the main troubleshooting guide.DESCRIPTION AND USAGE The ECM motor simulator is designed to assist the service technician in ...
L OW – The blower motor will operate at low speed.During spring or fall, you may require less rapid response when the thermostat calls for heat. When S LOW is selected, it takes more time to bring all the elements online.When F AST is selected, the heating elements come online faster...