the twelve constellations on the ecliptic plane— 十二星座 the ecliptic (the plane of the solar system)— 黄道 the 24 solar terms, calculated from the position of the sun on the ecliptic, that divide the year in24 equal periods— 二十四节气 the intersection of the Moon's orbit with ...
huáng dào the ecliptic (the plane of the solar system) 黄道十二宫Trad.黃道十二宮 huáng dào shí èr gōng see 十二宮|十二宫[shi2 er4 gong1] 数黄道黑Trad.數黃道黑 shǔ huáng dào hēi to enumerate what is black and yellow (idiom); to criticize sb behind his back to incite quarrel...
(The ecliptic plane should be distinguished from the invariable plane of the solar system, which is perpendicular to the vector sum of the angular momenta of all planetary orbital planes, to which Jupiter is the main contributor. The present...
黄道面(plane of the ecliptic)的定义中,是假想地球是不动的,而太阳绕地球旋转。黄道面即为太阳绕地球旋转的轨道平面黄道 …|基于32个网页 2. 黄道平面 气象术语汇编_Blustin_百度空间... ... 永久性干旱( permanent drought)黄道平面(plane of the ecliptic) 极地低压( polar low) ... ...
3.The plane defined by the earth's solar orbit, with the sun at its center, that extends throughout the solar system. [Middle Englishecliptik, from Medieval Latin(līnea) eclīptica,ecliptic (line), from Latineclīpticus,of an eclipse, from Greekekleiptikos, fromekleipein,to fail to appe...
美 英 un.黄道平面 网络黄道面 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 黄道平面 例句
The Ecliptic Plane The ecliptic is an imaginary circle, plotted on the celestial sphere, which represents the annual path of the sun as seen from Earth. Most planets in the solar system have orbits that are very close to the ecliptic plane....
The solar system is generally flat: the planets, and most of their major moons, orbit in more or less the same plane. (A plane is a flat surface, like a disk.) This means that to us on Earth, the Moon and planets also tend to follow the Sun’s ecliptic path through the sky. As...
What astronomers mean by the ‘ecliptic’ and why all of the planets in our Solar System are in roughly the same plane.
The ecliptic plane is used as the main reference when describing the position of other celestial objects in our Solar System. The angle between the plane of the ecliptic and the plane of an orbit is called the inclination. Until it was stripped of its status as a planet, Pluto was the pl...