Keil刚装上是没有注释快捷键的,可以自己添加,“Edit”-“Configuration”,然后选择“ShortcutKeys”标签页,下拉找到“Comment Selection”,然后点右边的“Create Shortcut”就可以自己输入快捷键了,确定后即可生效 Sublime插件保存 键盘按住ctrl+shift+p 1.文件路径自动补齐 输入autoFileName 2.安装sublimeServer 输入sub...
Eclipse shortcut to comment and uncomment several lines (article) How to increase heap size of Java Program in Eclipse (tutorial) How to solve the "main class not found error" in Eclipse? (guide) How to connect Eclipse to the Oracle database? (guide) Thanks for reading this article, if...
EditorShortcutDescriptionAlt + /Content assist. A great help for our coding.Ctrl + Shift + FFormatCtrl + F10, then NDisplay line numbersCtrl + Shift +
Eclipse有强大的编辑功能, 工欲善其事,必先利其器, 掌握Eclipse快捷键,可以大大提高工作效率。 注释Ctrl+/ 能为光标"所在行"或者"选中行"添加注释或者取消注释。也可以对多行添加或取消注释 快速修复 Ctrl + 1 删除当前行 Ctrl+d 光标位于行的任何地方, 按Ctrl+D 删除当前行, 当然也可以删除空行, 不用为了...
* is a shortcut for ( The filter * syntax specification is available at</li> * <li>ss - display installed bundles (short status)</li> @@ -136,25 +136,25 @@ * ---Extras--- * </p> * <ul> *... After around seven years of exclusively using Eclipse for Java development I r
BlockCommentshortcut key:Ctrl+ Shift + \ToggleComment: 选中几行代码->鼠标右键->Source->ToggleCommentshortcut key:Ctrl+ / (同时可取消注释) eclipse - Format & Comment right-click -> Source -> Format 3.ToggleCommentCtrl+ Shift +C:注释Ctrl+ Shift +C: 取消注释or...eclipse- Format &Comment...
Eclipse shortcut for System.out.println() statements (shortcut) How to escape String literal in a Java file when posted on Eclipse? (solution) How to compare two files in Eclipse IDE? (guide) How to increase the console buffer size in Eclipse? (solution) ...
You can open the view manually, using the shortcut: 2.2.11. Opening GNATbench Views In the Ada perspective, you can open a GNATbench view using the “Show View” menu entry (under the Window menubar entry): When not in the Ada perspective, use the Window menubar entry select “...
We’ll use the F7 shortcut to Step to the method return. When we’re ready to let our application run to completion, let’s use F8 to let our application continue execution. 6. Conclusion In this article, we’ve learned about some of the common keyboard shortcuts available in the ...