3.Mastering.Eclipse.Plug-in.Development.pdf,这本书是Packt.Eclipse.Plug-in.Development.Beginners.Guide.2nd.Edition的高级篇,为同一作者所著。 4.Eclipse_4_Tutorial.pdf, 这也是官方网站推荐的一篇文章,篇幅不长,但是可以看。 选看 参考链接 Eclipse RCP E4 FAQ Vogella Equinox introduction OSGI and Equinox...
http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/eclipse.html 最好的资源都在这里, 基本不需要去其他地方找. 开发时如何获取文档 Eclipse for Plugin Deveopment -> Help Content. Plug-in Development Environment(PDE) Overview: PDE Overview必看 Platform Plug-in Developer Guide: 开发文档, Sample Code优先在这里找. ...
packagecom.vogella.rcp.editor.example.model;importjava.util.ArrayList;importjava.util.Date;importjava.util.List;publicclassTaskService{privatestaticTaskServicetaskService=newTaskService();privateList<Task> tasks =newArrayList<Task>();privateTaskService(){Tasktask=newTask(0,"Fix Bugs","Fix Eclipse Bug...
For future references there is also often updated "Eclipse 4 RCP - Tutorial" http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/EclipseRCP/article.html for new evolving e4 API by Lars Vogel.JavaScript experienced leader could help by giving guidance and insight of trends....
/** The ID of this editor as defined in plugin.xml */ public static final String EDITOR_ID = "org.eclipse.articles.xmleditor.editors.XMLEditor"; /** The ID of the editor context menu */ public static final String EDITOR_CONTEXT = EDITOR_ID + ".context"; ...
We will create a command which will exit the application. Create a newRCP project"de.vogella.rcp.commands.first" using the "Hello RCP" template. Click on the plugin.xml and select the Extensions tab. Press the "Add" button. Search for the extension "org.eclipse.ui.commands". Select it ...
竟然在页面上找了好久不知道怎么下载,(我认为只有下载到本地才能安装了……),转来转去转来转去,只有google again,太好了,找到了一个教程:http://www.vogella.de/articles/Scala/article.html#installation_plugin(Scala development with Eclipse - Tutorial),于是乎我就照着上面那节讲安装IDE的一步一步走,结果...
Contributing to PDE - Plug-in development Environment Thanks for your interest in this project. Project description: The PDE project the Eclipse tooling to develop plug-ins and OSGI bundles. Website: https://www.eclipse.org/pde/ https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/eclipse.pde How to contrib...
#topLevelElementId = de.vogella.build.feature ### PRODUCT/PACKAGING CONTROL ### product=your rcp /your rcp product file name runPackager=false # The prefix that will be used in the generated archive. archivePrefix=plugins和features的父目录名字 ### BASE CONTROL ### # base...
Create a new project with the name "de.vogella.python.first". Select Python version 2.6 and your interpreter. Press finish. Select Window->Open Perspective ->Other. Select the PyDev perspective. Select the "src" folder of your project, right-click it and select New -> PyDev Modul. Create...