not correct please set the HOME environment variable and restart Eclipse. Otherwise Git for Windows and EGit might behave differently since they see different configuration options. This warning can be switched off on the Team > Git > Confirmations and Warnings preference page. !ENTRY org.eclipse.c...
Installing See details on installing binaries for various platforms. If you have installed a binary package the broker should have been started automatically. If not, it can be started with a very basic configuration: ...
with no luck also. The log is riddled with java errors but I cannot tell what is not working...
This install we’re discussing is on the D drive where the C drive holds an XP partition. This PC also has an NT partion which, when active, has access to the D drive. I tried installing MyEclipse on this NT C drive (not the D drive). (This NT installation of MyEclipse ...
If Git is not installed, use the global or repository configuration for the core.autocrlf setting. The system wide configuration file is located relative to where C Git is installed. Make sure Git can be found via the PATH environment variable. When installing Git for Windows check the "Run ...
I added it manually, in the preferences windows pointed by you, and it worked fine. –muriloq Commented Jul 22, 2011 at 23:21 19 I noticed that after setting up the SSH key as you describe I should not be changing the username/password in the authentication box (I was putting my...
Installing the end-user tools (users) Getting started with the framework components (adopters) Set up an Eclipse IDE (using OpenJDK 11 and OpenJFX 11) Set up a Target Definition containing GEF (development snapshot) Run the examples How to proceed from here?
新添加一个环境变量,名字为 "ANDROID_SDK_HOME” (这个变量名不能改变,只能是这个名字!),然后把变量值改为你想将".android”文件夹(AVD信息)所放置的位置,在这里我把它设置为Android SDK包中,值为:"D:\android-sdk-windows",问题解决了。 解决办法二: ...
Windows environment. The standard solution (which does not work for us) is to use the pkg-config utility to provide this info on the fly ( WTF!!!) 这相当于 ** 的时候用保鲜膜现场做一个套出来, 现做现用, ON-THE-FLY。 但是, 这是“标准”步骤。 https...
\openjdk-11' -Wait -Passthru; \ + '/quiet', 'ADDLOCAL=FeatureEnvironment,FeatureJarFileRunWith,FeatureJavaHome', 'INSTALLDIR=C:\openjdk-22' -Wait -Passthru; \ $proc.WaitForExit() ; \ if ($proc.ExitCode -ne 0) { \ Write-Host 'FAILED installing MSI!' ; \ diff --git a/eclipse...