If you've downloaded Eclipse from their official website, follow these steps for the installation. (Ubuntu 12.04 LTS) Extract the eclipse.XX.YY.tar.gz using tar -zxvf eclipse.XX.YY.tar.gz Copy the extracted folder to/opt sudocp-r eclipse.XX.YY /opt Create a desktop file and install it...
在Eclipse中依次点击菜单"Help"->"About Eclipse"。弹出图1所示对话框,点击"Installation Details"按钮,弹出图2所示对话框。选中要卸载的插件(按住Ctrl可多选),点击"Uninstall..."按钮。 卸载完成后重启Eclipse即可。 努力才可成功!信仰不是别人给你说一百遍的一句话,而是你被撞的头破血流后的幡然悔悟!有时候一个...
在ubuntu13.10中安装eclipse ,没有菜单的解决方案 if you've downloaded Eclipse from their official website, follow these steps for the installation to show the menu. 1. Move the package to /opt/ folder. # sudo mv eclipse-SDK-4.2.1-linux-gtk.tar.gz /opt/ 2. Use the command line to extr...
首先是要安装 Eclipse 和 MyEclipse, 这是当前最流行的开发环境。 下面将记录我的安装过程,希望能给像我一样的新手一点点帮助。 1. 安装SUN JDK6.0 1) 这个使用apt-get安装就成了。 sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk 2) Ubuntu支持多个Java版本,确认选择sun-java6 sudo update-alternatives --config java...
一、JDK 1、下载JDK 地址:http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html 版本:jdk-6u25-linux-x64.bin 下载完成后,保存在“下载”文件夹下 2、在“用户主目录”下新建一个“java”文件夹( 我的用户主目录是lq) 命令: lq@lq:~$ pwd /home/lq
installationguide/images/titan_logo.png /usr/share/doc/eclipse-titan/installationguide/installationguide.adoc.gz /usr/share/doc/eclipse-titan/referenceguide/1-about_the_document.adoc /usr/share/doc/eclipse-titan/referenceguide/10-code_coverage_of_ttcn-3_modules.adoc.gz /usr/share/doc/eclipse-...
I'm getting the error "Couldn't find an eclipse executable" when I try to install CCS 6.1.3 on my 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04 machine. I've been following the instructions listed forUbuntu 14.04 here.I do have Eclipse Luna currently installed on this same mach...
Installation and set up of Ubuntu, Eclipse, Tomcat, ANT, Spring Framework in virtual environment.JEE
1: I did not find a folder named installation 2: Eclipse was installed with my local user (mapluz) who is an administrator; the /home/mapluz/.codemix, /home/mapluz/.codemix-store and /home/mapluz/.codemix.properties directories have all the permissions; I already installed other modules ...
Please visit the https://libreoffice.github.io/loeclipse/ for installation instructions and user documentation. Only read further if you want to work on LOEclipse itself. Development Prerequisites LibreOffice 7.0 or newer is required. Ubuntu: Install libreoffice,libreoffice-dev and libreoffice-java-comm...