startsWith(remotePrefix)) return remote; } return null; } 代码示例来源:origin: com.g2forge.gearbox/gb-git public static String getMyRemote(final Git git) { final Set<String> remotes = git.getRepository().getRemoteNames(); if (remotes.size() == 1) return HCollection.getOne(remotes); ...
Repository files navigation README Code of conduct EPL-2.0 licenseeclipse-mirrorsWhat is it? LicenseWhat is it?This repo contains a Github Actions that incorporates upstream changes into the Eclipse repo mirrors.LicenseAll files are released under the Eclipse Public License 2.0.Individual...
1. 修改Url Window > Preferences > Team > Git > Configuration > Repository Settings 2. 修改用户名和密码 Window > Preferences > General > Security > Secure Storage > Contents
Eclipse でプロジェクトを開いた状態で、Project エクスプローラーでプロジェクト名を右クリックし、[チーム]、[Share Project](プロジェクトの共有)を選択します。[Git]を選択し、[次へ]を選択します。 [Configure Git Repository](Git リポジトリの構成)ウィンドウから[作成]を選択し、ロ...
也可以将Git代码库放在当前项目的文件夹的父目录下,这样的话我们只需要简单的简单的勾选use or create repository in parent folder of project,然后选中想要创建Git代码仓库的项目try_egit,然后单击create repository单击finish即可。 接下来创建一个源代码文件夹src。这时我们在项目选项卡中可以看到 ...
publicPullResultpullFromRepository(Gitgit,Stringremote,StringremoteBranch){ try{ returngit.pull() .setRemote(remote) .setRemoteBranchName(remoteBranch) .call(); }catch(GitAPIExceptione){ thrownewIllegalStateException(e); } } 代码示例来源:origin: com.centurylink.mdw/mdw-common ...
Here you can find references to useful documentation and hands-on guides to learn how to get the most of Eclipse Che: Customize Che workspaces for your projects Automatically run VSCode Extensions in Che workspaces Starting a workspace from a Git repository URL Making a workspace portable using a...
In the Team Explorer Everywhere panel, choose the "Git Repositories" panel, then select the MyShuttleCalc repo in the team project and right-click the repo and select "Import Repository." Leave the defaults for the parent directory and repo folder name, then press the next button. This will...
.gitignore Initial commit 6年前 LICENSE Initial commit 6年前 NOTICE Initial commit 6年前 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' 5年前 build.gradle Fix syntax errors in decompiled sources 5年前 gradlew Initial commit 6年前 ...
eclipse git:Transport Error: Cannot get remote repository refs. invalid advertisement of,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。