Table 14. Must known shortcuts ShortcutDescription Ctrl+S Saves current editor Ctrl+1 Quickfix; shows potential fixes for warnings, errors or shows possible actions Ctrl+Space Content assist/ code completion Ctrl+Q Goes to the last edited position Ctrl+D Deletes current line in the editor Ct...
The other super awesome, context sensitive shortcut in Eclipse, which is basically Quick Fix. If you have an error in a line, Ctrl + 1 will show you potential options to fix it, like importing a class, or adding an argument to a method or fixing the method signature. If you just do...
Navigational Shortcuts
Rebuild shortcut (Ctrl + Alt + R) does not work I want to use an alias in a DVT Generic Run Configuration, but it’s not recognized How to set multiple paths as sources of predefined projects ? Lines are suddenly changing indentation when I edit text or move the cursor through the edi... (17 January 2012) (10 January 2012) (27 December 2011) () (12 December 2011) 3.0.6 (1 December 2011) (21 November 2011) (8 November 2011) (17 October 2011) ...
用Eclipse来开发 用Eclipse可以开发任意的程序。甚至用来写诗歌也可以。不管要开发什么,基础都是一样的。 管理工程 一个eclipse的工程就是个目录。这个目录包含了源文件,metadate,资源以其其他的文件。一个典型的工程就是workspace下的一个子目录,但是你可以把它
-* `Short View` +* `Show View` 📝 Committable suggestion ‼️ IMPORTANT Carefully review the code before committing. Ensure that it accurately replaces the highlighted code, contains no missing lines, and has no issues with indentation. Thoroughly test & benchmark the code to ensure ...
Or you could use the "Add unimplemented methods" fix here. The best thing you can do if you see an error is to use the quick fix. CTRL+SHIFT+T Open Type. Imagine, that you need to have a look at the Foo class. But, where is the Foo class? Is it in the Boo project and in...
蓼 Quick Fix Ctrl+1 i n ( S t r i n g [ ] a r g s ) I Add Bookmark... H a l l o J a c k y ~ ) Add Task... Disable QuickDi Ctrl+Shi t+Q Set QuickDi Re erence Folding 图 2. 22 IV . Description字段中,输入要关联于文字文件中的这一行 之作业的简要说明。 图 2...
6.快捷方式工具列(Shortcut Toolbar)7.Outline视图8.Tasks视图和Console视图2.8.1菜单「File」菜单这个菜单可以建立、储存、关闭、打印、汇入及汇出工作台资源以及结束工作台本身。名称功能New(新建)建立Java元素或新资源。配置哪些元素会显示在「Window」→「Preferences」的子菜单中。在Java视景中,依预设,会提供项目...