具体错误是error while loading shared libraries: libz.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory 1.我们使用命令:apt-file search来查找,首先安装,按如下命令: sudoapt-getinstallapt-file 2.安装完以后系统会提示你update,如果没有提示,在终端输入如下命令: sudoapt-fileupdate 3.对l...
/home/<snip>/Desktop/redeclipse-1.5.6/bin/amd64/redeclipse_linux: error while loading shared libraries: libSDL2-2.0.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Every time I run the script, I get the same error. If you need any specs or info, feel free to comme...
现在说下环境变量,使用LD_LIBRARY_PATH变量,选中project右键 -> run as -> run configuration -> Environment,add一个,name为LD_LIBRARY_PATH,value为${workspace_loc:/mylib/Debug}, 这样程序能在eclipse中运行了,但我们想到终端运行却还是"error while loading shared libraries:...",要在终端运行,需要设置该...
现在说下环境变量,使用LD_LIBRARY_PATH变量,选中project右键 -> run as -> run configuration -> Environment,add一个,name为LD_LIBRARY_PATH,value为${workspace_loc:/mylib/Debug}, 这样程序能在eclipse中运行了,但我们想到终端运行却还是"error while loading shared libraries:...",要在终端运行,需要设置该...
yarn run v1.7.0 $ theia start /home/mark/git/llvm/ ~/git/theia/node_modules/electron/dist/electron: error while loading shared libraries: libgconf-2.so.4: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I had to install this by hand: sudo apt-get install libgconf-2-4vince...
点击运行,会出现以下错误:error while loading shared libraries: libShared.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ,因为系统无法从默认位置找到动态链接库文件。修改系统默认搜索链接库的路径,程序即可顺利执行,输出:Shared Library....
/nginx启动,结果遇到如下问题: “error while loading shared libraries” 这是是因为需要的动态库不在动态链接器ld.so的搜索路径导致。...ld.so 动态共享库搜索顺序 1、ELF可执行文件中动态段DT_RPATH指定;gcc加入链接参数“-Wl,-rpath”指定动态库搜索路径; 2、环境变量LD_LIBRARY_PATH指定路径;...的链接程序...
以上均做正确的话编译链接是能通过的,但是在运行时会报错error while loading shared libraries: libShared.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory ,这时需要修改环境变量。在工程处右键,Run As->Run Configurations,选择Environment,如下图: ...
Notice the shared libraries (adf.oracle.domain). Click the Source tab, and notice the declared components such as listeners and libraries. Expand the TaskFlowAppModel to review what basic structure has been created for the model part. Expand the TaskFlowAppWeb to review what basic structure ...
先看下是不是c++编译器装的有问题。我用过这个东西,我就把我当时配置这个的时候找的资料给你看下,希望对你有帮助。一.首先要下载CDT,Eclipse 2.1.2使用者,请下载这项:CDT 1.2 Full for Windows R2.1.1 1.2.0 GA - Full - Windows。Eclipse 2.1.3使用者请下载:CDT 1.2.1。Ecl...