”Could not find folder 'tools' i...oid-sdk-windows\” “急!!!Eclipse SDK 在添加android SDk 组件的时候出现这样的情况,报错the curently displayed page contains invalid values,无法添加,那位大神告诉我怎么解决,小弟感激不进” “Eclipse里面配置WINDOWS-PERFERENCES时提示Could not find folder 'tools' ins...
7、在打开的customize perspective标签卡中选择action set availability中勾选Android SDK and AVD,然后再重启eclipse即可 8、如果出现,could not find folder tools inside SDK,是因为SDK的加载路径不对造成(SDK默认的存放路径是在C盘下的addroid-sdks下面);这里需要先下载好SDK相关的工具(android-sdk-windows),然后...
android的插件都安装好了,但是新建一个项目的时候老是报sdk没有配置。需要进window--》preference进行设置。但是sdk的路径的确按照文件所在目录配置了,系统却老是报could not find folder 'tools' inside sdk 'F:\android-sdk\tools\'. 哪位大侠能指点一下。谢谢 太诡异
Start Eclipse IDE and install "Aspectj Development Tools" unzip the attached file into the dropins folder under the eclipse folder (eclipse->dropins->plugins->test.loadtimeweaving_1.0.0.202404031741.jar) Restart the eclipse IDE Verify that the test plugin is there and activate it. For this open...
Previously, there was an issue affecting projects created in/cloned into an empty workspace when the default folder for the projects was the/home/userdirectory instead of/projects. Due to this, the changes were not saved after workspace restart. The issue has been fixed in this release: ...
如果没有,你可以点击"Add Folder"按钮,将源代码目录添加到构建路径中。 编译问题:如果你的源文件没有正确编译,JUnit测试就无法找到生成的源文件。你可以尝试重新编译项目,方法是右键点击项目,选择"Build Project"或者"Clean Project"。如果编译仍然失败,可能是代码中存在语法错误或其他编译错误,需要修复这些错...
However, I've tried out your scenario and I've had success installing using the update site athttps://public.dhe.ibm.com/ibmdl/export/pub/software/websphere/wasdev/d…. You can find instructions on how to install that athttps://www.ibm.com/docs/en/wasdtfe?topic=tools-installing-updatin...
3.把maven 项目引入到一个新的eclipse 空间: Project build error:Non-resolvable POM:Could not find… 只需要重新更新maven的 setting 文件即可。 4.Eclipse 用maven-archetype-quickstart框架创建的maven工程下没有src/main/resources文件夹解决办法。 选中工程右击 -> new -> Source Folder -> 在Folder name 里...