31 查看文档说明(quick documentation) F2 32 收起所有的方法(collapse all) alt + shift + c 33 打开所有方法(expand all) alt+shift+x 34 打开代码所在硬盘文件夹(show in explorer) ctrl+shift+x 35 生成 try-catch 等(surround with) alt+shift+z 36 局部变量抽取为成员变量(introduce field) alt+shif...
Collapse/Expand All Methods CTRL + Shift + Numpad_Divide Collapse all methods CTRL + Shift + Numpad_Multiply Expand all methods
Collapse (程式碼折疊) :Ctrl+鍵盤右方數字區的'-'<Editing Text> Content Assist (內容輔助 - Code Templetes啟動):Alt+/ 或 Ctrl+Space<In Dialogs and Windows> Context Information (內容資訊) :Alt+? 或 ALT+Shift+?或 Ctrl+Shift+Space<In Windows> Copy (複製選取文字到OS剪貼簿) :Ctrl+C<In Di...
Collapse all the nodes and expand the TaskFlowAppModel. Right-click the TaskFlowAppModel node and select JPA Tools --> Generate Entities from Tables from context. In the Generate Custom Entities dialog, select HRConn as the connection, HR as the schema. This will populate the Tables list. ...
A new context-menu option allows you to collapse all nodes in the JUnit view, as shown in Figure 12. Figure 12: The new Collapse All option. Sort test results by execution time By default, test results are sorted by execution order, but you now have ...
81 折叠所有代码 Collapse all Ctrl+Shift+NumPad- 82 关闭当前Tab窗口 Close active editor tab Ctrl+F4 Ctrl+F4 所有软件通用 83 竖列编辑 Column mode Shift+Alt+A Shift+Alt+Ins 84 重构 85 复制类 Copy Class 无 F5 86 移动类/方法 Move Class/Method Alt+Shift+V F6 87 安全删除 Safe Dele...
Added a sort an collapse action to the macro editor outline view. Added the image information (which is normally displayed in the image window) to the Eclipse status line if a tab is selected or a stack/composite slider is moved. Added an action to change the tab title color according to...
@jdneo / @testforstephen , do you know why we chose to only collapse constructors and not all methods ? Would you want this behaviour preserved for java.completion.guessMethodArguments ? I was discussing with @hopehadfield to do a feature based on some new setting like java.completion.hide...
Collapse All Collapses all the nodes of the tree, which is useful when the messages are presented in a hierarchical mode. The Oxygen XML Editor plugin XPath Results View When you execute an XPath expression, Oxygen XML Editor plugin automatically displays the XPath Results view. Figure 8: The ...
一. Automator 方式 1. Automator介绍 Automator是mac自带的一个软件,工作流软件,平时用的很少,一般都可以用shell脚本搞定 首先打开Automator 点两下才会打开 在打弹出的框中选择Application应用 然后在左边的搜索中搜索quit(退出)选择quit all application(退出所有的应用程序) 然后点击拖拽quit all applic... ...