On May 5, 1970, readers of the Los Angeles Times learned that the day before, soldiers of the Ohio National Guard had opened fire with live ammunition into a crowd of protestors at Kent State University, killing four students and wounding nine others. While the war raged in Vietnam, Americ...
On May 5, 1970, readers of the Los Angeles Times learned that the day before, soldiers of the Ohio National Guard had opened fire with live ammunition into a crowd of protestors at Kent State University, killing four students and wounding nine others. While the war raged in Vietnam, Americ...
2024 total solar eclipseA total solar eclipse, as seen from NASA's Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, 2024. To an observer within the umbra, the Sun’s disk appears completely covered by the disk of the Moon; such aneclipseis calledtotal. To an observer within the penumbra, the ...