Social Science Electronic PublishingXenos, Dimitris, Asserting the Right to Life (Article 2, ECHR) in the Context of Industry. German Law Journal 8 (2007), S. 231-253, pdfs/Vol08No03/PDF_Vol_08_No_03_231-254_Articles_Xenos.pdf (Stand: 04.01.2013)....
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L LepriA CincinelliLepri L,Cincinelli A.TLC Sorbents.Encyclopedia of Chromatography. 2005Lepri L,Cincinelli A.TLC Sorbents[C] //Cazes J.Encyclopedia of Chromatography:Vol.Ⅱ.2nd ed.New York:Taylor & Francis Group,2005:1 645-1 649.
This article examines the conflicting interpretations of two human rights systems - the UNCRPD and the ECHR - concerning the legal capacity of persons in the ex- ercise of their right to vote, with the aim of finding common ground and promoting equal participation of persons with disabilities ...
Polakiewicz, J.: EU law and the ECHR—will the EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights square the circle? Available at: (9 September 2013)...
RomaniaThe European Commission has requested Romania to amend itsrules on the taxation of income from independent activities of non- resident individuals as it considers that they restrict the freedom to provide services and the free movement of capital in the internalmarket. Under Romanian law, ...
This paper discusses the approach of British and European Courts to the interpreta- tion and application of the Article 5 ECHR right to liberty when faced with police powers. The paper argues that the long-standing approach of the European Court of Human Rights in Guzzardi v Italy [1980] ...