FetalC.FetalSimpsonFetalJ.FetalM.FetalSmeetonFetalEBSCO_AspUltrasound in Obstetrics & GynecologyHuggon IC, Cook AC, Simpson JM, Smeeton NC and Sharland GK. Isolated echogenic foci in the fetal heart as marker of chromosomal abnormality. Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2001; 17: 11-16....
The significance of echogenic foci in the fetal heart: a prospective study of 228 cases The purpose of this study was to determine the pathological significance of echogenic foci in the heart of fetuses with no other sonographic abnormalities ... DJM Simpson,A Cook,G Sharland - 《Ultrasound ...
The goal of the current paper is to present, on the basis of six investigated fetal hearts, the pathological substrate of prenatally, sonographically diagnosed echogenic intramyocardial foci. The right ventricle, left ventricle, interventricular septum and papillary muscles of both ventricles of six he...
有回声; 回声; 产生回波的; 回音; 发生回波的; 分类: 生物学词汇|查看相关文献(pubmed)|免费全文文献 详细解释: Clinical Significance of Echogenic Intracavitary Foci in Fetal Heart 超声诊断胎儿心内强回声灶的临床意义 以下为句子列表: 英文: Figure 11. A, Urachal cyst. The cyst is infected and conta...
describeabrightspotintheheart;intracardiac echogenicfocus,echogenicfocus,cardiac echogenicfocus,andechogenicintracardiac focus.Ifthereismorethanonebrightspot, theyarecalledechogenicfoci.Thisisavery commonfindingonultrasoundandisseenin about1outofevery20or30pregnancies(~3- ...
In three, the foci have persisted, but none of the children have become symptomatic; the longest period of follow-up with stones still present is 4 1/2 years. Whether all echogenic foci in the fetal gallbladder represent true gallstones remains unknown. Echogenic foci may be seen in the ...
OBJECTIVE: To assess the potential rate of specular reflectors within the fetal heart producing reflections of sufficient amplitude to be mistaken for echogenic intracardiac foci. METHODS: Between July 1999 and December 2000, 200 patients were randomly selected from the University of California, San Fr...
Echogenic fociFetal echocardiographyMyocardial deformationIntracardiac echogenic foci (ECFs), probably representing microcalcifications of the papillary muscles, are a common finding in fetal ultrasonic screening examinations. Their significance is unclear, and their value as markers for chromosomal anomalies is...
In right kidney there is multiple echogenic foci of about 3mm & 6mm in size seen, Also in left kidney there is small single echogenic foci about 3mm & 6mm seen. Is it stones? Asked for Male, 29 Years 3103 Views Dr. Soudip Saha General Physician | South 24 Parganas Need detailed ...
Bttelbeim D,Deutinger J,Bemaschek G.The value of echogenic foci ('golfballs') in the fetal heart as a marker of chromosomal abnormalities[J].1999,14(02).Bettelheim D, Deutinger J, Bernaschek G. The value of echogenic foci ('golfballs') in the fetal heart as a marker of chromosomal ...