Define echocardiograms. echocardiograms synonyms, echocardiograms pronunciation, echocardiograms translation, English dictionary definition of echocardiograms. n. 1. A visual record produced by echocardiography. 2. The procedure performed to produce such
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TTEs ordered by PCPs have been shown to have lower rates of appropriateness in prior studies, but no study has compared pediatric cardiologists and PCPs in appropriateness and cost effectiveness for TTEs ordered for syncope. Methods: Patients with TTE ordered by a PCP and patients seen by a ...
Intracardiac Echocardiography (ICE): The use of ICE is less frequent given its invasive technique, cost, steep learning curve, and due to the advancements in TTE and TEE.[12] The advantages of ICE include higher resolution imaging and avoids the need for sedation or endotracheal intubation.[26...
could be inputted when training EchoCLIP-R, improving its retrieval capabilities compared to EchoCLIP at the cost of slight degradation in classification and estimation capabilities. Instead of searching for exact vocabulary matches in the report text, our custom-built template tokenizer uses regular ex...
training a model on the A4C-View data set converges in ~30 h using one Titan XP GPU. The training process of the same model and prediction task converges in ~240 h using all the views in the dataset. Given the favorable balance of performance to computational cost as well as prior...
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The relatively low cost of the hand-held echocardio- gram has an added advantage by permitting widespread RHD screening, especially in low resource settings where the use of the more expensive portable echocardiogram is a limiting factor [29]. As part of the research agenda for the ...
Background Functional testing Predict outcomes Cost-effective approaches to the treatment of coronary artery disease (CAD) Stress testing in the recent American College of Cardiology /American Heart Association guidelines Multivariate scores Disease probability & outcome Exercise testing ...
A low-cost microcomputer system is used to calculate [patient] cardiac parameters from echocardiographic measurements and produce a chartable report. The system is simple, uses Basic language and provides for data storage.doi:10.1002/ccd.1810060417James A. Menke...