Echo Show 8售价149.99美元(约1095元),稍后还有 Echo Show 8 Photos Edition ,在 Echo Show 8 基础上改进,可以根据环境和个人需求30秒轮换壁纸,送 25 GB 的云存储空间,Prime会员免费,售价为159.99美元(约1170),包括为期六个月的PhotosPlus订阅,六个月后将以每月1.99美元的价格续订,并可以随时取消。 Echo Hub智...
Amazon’s first smart control panel, theEcho Hub, is officially here. It’s not without a few quirks, but it offers a great way to access all your smart home gadgets in one unified location. Thousands of products can be connected to the panel, and with full Matter support, it’s a r...
Echo Show 5有一个3.5毫米的音频输出端口,这是谷歌Nest Hub没有的,所以如果你想的话,可以把它连接到一个更大的扬声器上,提高音频输出的保真度。谷歌Nest Hub没有摄像头,而Echo Show 5有,所以你只能在亚马逊设备上拨打和接收视频通话。 亚马逊Echo Show 5 vs谷歌Nest Hub: 智能助手 在选择Amazon Echo Show 5或...
The Nest Hub uses the all-powerful Google Assistant to run the smart home show. Similar to Alexa, you’ll use Assistant voice commands and Google Home app controls to control and monitor smart home devices, set timers and reminders, ask questions, play games, stream music, and more. Like ...
亚马逊Echo Show 目前还没有第二代谷歌家庭中心,而谷歌智能显示屏有7英寸的触摸屏,外壳可以选择炭色或粉色。你可以在Home Hub上观看YouTube和其它流媒体视频内容,不过这个小屏幕并不适合进行长时间的观看。谷歌家庭集线器上没有摄像头,因为有一些人非常注重保护隐私。但这也会使一些人失去双向视频通话的功能,不过...
SEE ALSO: Amazon Prime Day vs. Black Friday: When are the deals better?The Echo (Fourth Generation) and Echo Dot (Fifth Generation) fall in the middle of the Echo line-up. The Echo Show, is at the top of the range, with its motion-tracking screen, while the Echo Pop is even small...
Echo Hub review: performance Having previously used an Amazon Echo product, I was looking forward to seeing how the Echo Hub would differ and if I’d prefer it to the third generation of the Echo Show 8. While the two are similar in many aspects, they differ greatly in terms of design...
马逊Echo Show 5 vs谷歌Nest Hub:设计 这两款智能显示器屏幕大小不同,各有各的优缺点,更看重哪一点取决于你自己。 谷歌Nest Hub的屏幕更大,大小为7英寸,而亚马逊Echo 5 sports的屏幕为5.5英寸。谷歌的外形也更美观,显示屏比背后的扬声器稍大,而且有更多颜色可供选择,而不仅仅是黑白。
亚马逊近日宣布推出首款智能家居控制面板Echo Hub。据了解,Echo Hub是一款支持Alexa的智能家居控制面板,旨在让用户轻松组织和控制家中的智能家居设备,例如安全摄像头、报警系统、灯、锁、插头、百叶窗和恒温器。据悉,Echo Hub是一款薄型8英寸触摸显示屏,带有可定制的智能家居仪表板,可以轻松分组和管理兼容的智能设备、启...
亚马逊今天上午宣布了对其Echo Show系列智能屏幕的小幅更新。最有趣的一点是在Echo Show上增加了一个平移和变焦相机。该功能与Facebook的各种Portal设备和Google的高端Nest Hub Max上的功能类似。从本质上讲,它的目的是将拍摄对象保持在画面中,苹果最近也为最新的iPad Pro推出了类似的 "中心舞台"功能。